Saturday, March 28, 2009

Recreational Vehicle Show Anaheim Stadium

La vita

logical systems we're bored. We reject the moralism. Yawn with schmaltz. We suspect ideologies. We fear the demagoguery. We reject totalitarianism. We escape from intolerance.

what we call bread c'alimenta dignity. Water when c'idrata it seethes with affection. We do not want the treatment, there is enough shoulder. We pay for excesses because someone feels one-sided love affair.

We run any distance to see the poet in a trance. We love the stage, screens, tracks the circus. Enrich the artist. Rebel against the chains of metal immanence, We aim for transcendence. The magic, fantasy, fiction, everything c'incanta. Give us understand the parables and the Eternal Kingdom. Fables we arming of ethical criteria for the next choice. Story lines of soap operas, novels and stories teach us love, revenge, jealousy, kindness.

Why we live, we depend on hugs, whispering, skin, sweat, looks. Do not We expect clarification on the Divine, in fact, we prefer to taste it. Among the possibilities to understand the Great Mystery of His presence and be wet, we choose a thousand times for a baptism of love. Conceived in passion, aspire feelings. Fired from her breasts, grow attracted by the beautiful.

those who intoxicate, c'animano shines, the shadows are falling asleep. Mathematical equations explain the metrics of the melody. Compasses organize anarchy. C'incantano songs. We organize to perpetuate the great orchestras. We do jazz to enhance the surprise. We create, imitate the Creator.

not only exist, we live! Soli Deo Gloria

From: Ricardo Gondim.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Cheats For Planetary Pinball On Funbrain

I due lati del messaggio

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for the reason the kingdom of 'heaven is theirs. Woe to the dominant, the empire because they create hatred. Those who need the strength to hold the power did not start with the logic of love.

Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. Damn the indifferent, because they fall in cynicism. Buckets, discarded lives. Disdainful, they do not suffer from the abandonment of those forgotten the anguish of the captives, and the despair of the oppressed.

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit them la terra. Maledetti gli altezzosi, perché si permettono di spronare, agrediscono senza nessun controllo e riceveranno una prigione sotterranea per eredità.

Beati coloro che sono affamati ed assetati della giustizia, perciocchè saranno saziati. Maledetti coloro che cercano argomenti per giustificare le loro tirannie; coloro che fidano delle coerenze per vessare l'indifeso e subiranno assetati ed affamati della bontà.

Beati i misericordiosi, perciocchè misericordia sarà loro fatta. Maledetti gli implacabili, perché loro saranno misurati con la stessa inflessibilità che trattarono gli altri; prima o poi loro riceveranno punizione proporzionale alla loro irrepreensibilità.

Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. Drudge's smart, because they will die alone. The fake does not connects to the heart of God, the aleivoso lost the compass of the universe, the impostor does not pull the bandage to the eyes and is condemned to not ever feel the sublime.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God cursed the ones conspiring war, that gives back to the bombing of asymmetric immoderate for aggression, the death of children and the elderly. Those will go down in the deepest hell, because they devastate the city, decimating their etnias, and slaughtered in the State.

Blessed are those who are persecuted for the cause of justice, For unto the kingdom of 'heaven is theirs. Maldetti afflicting tyrants to defend the ideology or religion, race or economics. Form an alliance with God dealt with, he extends his hand to the homeless and makes with the oppressive society.

You will be blessed when men will have reproached, and persecuted, and falsely told avran every evil word against you because of me. Damn you are flying like vultures for the destruction of the little peek, and get excited with bad news, and deduct only the worst intentions of others.

Rejoice and be glad: for great is your reward will 'heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. Complain and agonize, for great will be the eternal punishment in the prison, and you will have the same fate as the criminals who have lived before you.
Soli Deo Gloria.
From: Ricardo Gondim

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Baixar Mugen Final Fantasy

La dipendenza suprema.

For Alysson Amorim.

"As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him. For he knows our frame and remembers that we are dust." - Psalm 103 13-14.

We are obvious. We live with few options. We do not get up flights. The recipe does not tolerate changes in the air we breathe. Con un po’ d'inattività, si deperiscono i muscoli dei piedi e delle mani - e del cuore. Il nostro sangue non può perdere l’equilibrio. La nostra temperatura sale cinque gradi e abbiamo convulsioni.

Noi siamo limitati. Il dizionario della nostra lingua quotidiana non riempie cento pagine. Lo spettro della nostra audizione non giunge alla categoria canina. Abbiamo l’intuizione, ma non capiamo la nostra percezione. Intollerante al dolore, ci disperiamo. Le altitudini c'indeboliscono, le valli c'opprimono, gli oceani ci fanno persi.

Noi siamo effimeri. Non scampiamo dalle carpe. La nostra pelle raggrinza con poco sole, gli occhi oscurano con quattro decadi ed i peli cadono senza ragione. Noi sacrifichiamo il palato in favore della salute, ma non riusciamo a raggirare la decadenza. I primi anni dell'infanzia giacciono nell'inconscio, gli ultimi, quelli della vecchiaia, nella demenza.

Siamo effimeri. Abbiamo bisogno di compagnia. L'impertinenza dell'altro è migliore della solitudine. Cerchiamo i deserti e piangiamo di nostalgia. L'irritazione è insufficiente per allontanarci dall'amore. Fragili, supplichiamo per abbracci. Un sentimento di orfanità ci sveglia tutte le mattine, e andiamocene in giro alla ricerca di accoglienza. Nel crepuscolo, supplichiamo per rifugio e ninnananna.

Dipendiamo dalla Grazia non per essere cattivi, bensì per essere delicati.

Soli Deo Gloria.

From: Ricardo Gondim