logical systems we're bored. We reject the moralism. Yawn with schmaltz. We suspect ideologies. We fear the demagoguery. We reject totalitarianism. We escape from intolerance.
what we call bread c'alimenta dignity. Water when c'idrata it seethes with affection. We do not want the treatment, there is enough shoulder. We pay for excesses because someone feels one-sided love affair.
We run any distance to see the poet in a trance. We love the stage, screens, tracks the circus. Enrich the artist. Rebel against the chains of metal immanence, We aim for transcendence. The magic, fantasy, fiction, everything c'incanta. Give us understand the parables and the Eternal Kingdom. Fables we arming of ethical criteria for the next choice. Story lines of soap operas, novels and stories teach us love, revenge, jealousy, kindness.
Why we live, we depend on hugs, whispering, skin, sweat, looks. Do not We expect clarification on the Divine, in fact, we prefer to taste it. Among the possibilities to understand the Great Mystery of His presence and be wet, we choose a thousand times for a baptism of love. Conceived in passion, aspire feelings. Fired from her breasts, grow attracted by the beautiful.
those who intoxicate, c'animano shines, the shadows are falling asleep. Mathematical equations explain the metrics of the melody. Compasses organize anarchy. C'incantano songs. We organize to perpetuate the great orchestras. We do jazz to enhance the surprise. We create, imitate the Creator.
not only exist, we live! Soli Deo Gloria
what we call bread c'alimenta dignity. Water when c'idrata it seethes with affection. We do not want the treatment, there is enough shoulder. We pay for excesses because someone feels one-sided love affair.
We run any distance to see the poet in a trance. We love the stage, screens, tracks the circus. Enrich the artist. Rebel against the chains of metal immanence, We aim for transcendence. The magic, fantasy, fiction, everything c'incanta. Give us understand the parables and the Eternal Kingdom. Fables we arming of ethical criteria for the next choice. Story lines of soap operas, novels and stories teach us love, revenge, jealousy, kindness.
Why we live, we depend on hugs, whispering, skin, sweat, looks. Do not We expect clarification on the Divine, in fact, we prefer to taste it. Among the possibilities to understand the Great Mystery of His presence and be wet, we choose a thousand times for a baptism of love. Conceived in passion, aspire feelings. Fired from her breasts, grow attracted by the beautiful.
those who intoxicate, c'animano shines, the shadows are falling asleep. Mathematical equations explain the metrics of the melody. Compasses organize anarchy. C'incantano songs. We organize to perpetuate the great orchestras. We do jazz to enhance the surprise. We create, imitate the Creator.
not only exist, we live! Soli Deo Gloria
From: Ricardo Gondim.