Jesus can save the televangelist, pastors, apostles and bishops. No one should consider the "pelegos" (traitors) famous of faith as surely lost. Christ saved Nicodemus, Zacchaeus and Saul of Tarsus. All are loved by God, even the crooks ornamented. The cynical cleric collar can also inherit Paradise. The question is: how?
Salvation comes in the house of religious person who will be willing to put your shoes humble. The idealized chatter will be emptied if the priests were forced to wait in clinics receiving public sitting on hard tomatoes. Who knows these vile
Evangelists in cravatta immaginano il dramma di una madre nera e sotto occupata? Il dolore di non trovare un asilo nido per lasciare il figlio durante la giornata per poter lavorare tranquillamente? Quali di loro sarebbero disposti a vivere, solamente per un mese, la fortuna di milioni di genitori che seppellirono i figli in un buco poco profondo? Quanti hanno mai visto la loro famiglia dormire con fame? Chissà quelli immaginano il vicolo cieco dell'esclusione sociale?
Loro trattano avventatamente la fortuna di tanti. Si può sospettare che imbarcarono nella carriera religiosa solamente per scappare dall’emarginazione economica.
Cristo salva il pastore che è sensibile verso coloro che subiscono nelle sedute di emodialisi; insieme a famiglie awaiting a lung transplant, physiotherapy clinics, where amputees and paraplegics to relearn to walk, in the Intensive Care Unit of Children's Hospital, where children have cancer need to be connected to receive chemotherapy.
Those who live by the bombast of the dogmatic discourse can be saved if they learn to be sympathetic towards the refugees of war or disaster, if they know how to assess the efforts of Doctors without Borders, who take care of the miserable in Darfur.
While the priests preach the doctrine that, at most, produce converts, they condemn themselves and their followers to hell twice warmed.
Jesus can free the televangelist, but it is necessary that they have no scruples to strip the bike-boys, bikers who endanger their lives in fast-delivery to earn a low wage, domestic workers who submit to the whims of middle-class madame, the coal miners who live in the mouth of the kiln to produce charcoal barbecue restaurant in the luxury nurses facing sleepless their turns.
If they continue to propagate superstitions illusory, are nothing more than the blind leading the blind into the abyss. For theirs is the Kingdom turbulent.
However, God has no pleasure in the destruction of religious leaders. The Lord who insists: "I'm here at the door and knock", "Judgement begins with the house of the Lord."
I offer my advice to those who claim anointed repent and return to God, being rich in mercy. You need to be saved.
Suns Deo Gloria
Salvation comes in the house of religious person who will be willing to put your shoes humble. The idealized chatter will be emptied if the priests were forced to wait in clinics receiving public sitting on hard tomatoes. Who knows these vile
Evangelists in cravatta immaginano il dramma di una madre nera e sotto occupata? Il dolore di non trovare un asilo nido per lasciare il figlio durante la giornata per poter lavorare tranquillamente? Quali di loro sarebbero disposti a vivere, solamente per un mese, la fortuna di milioni di genitori che seppellirono i figli in un buco poco profondo? Quanti hanno mai visto la loro famiglia dormire con fame? Chissà quelli immaginano il vicolo cieco dell'esclusione sociale?
Loro trattano avventatamente la fortuna di tanti. Si può sospettare che imbarcarono nella carriera religiosa solamente per scappare dall’emarginazione economica.
Cristo salva il pastore che è sensibile verso coloro che subiscono nelle sedute di emodialisi; insieme a famiglie awaiting a lung transplant, physiotherapy clinics, where amputees and paraplegics to relearn to walk, in the Intensive Care Unit of Children's Hospital, where children have cancer need to be connected to receive chemotherapy.
Those who live by the bombast of the dogmatic discourse can be saved if they learn to be sympathetic towards the refugees of war or disaster, if they know how to assess the efforts of Doctors without Borders, who take care of the miserable in Darfur.
While the priests preach the doctrine that, at most, produce converts, they condemn themselves and their followers to hell twice warmed.
Jesus can free the televangelist, but it is necessary that they have no scruples to strip the bike-boys, bikers who endanger their lives in fast-delivery to earn a low wage, domestic workers who submit to the whims of middle-class madame, the coal miners who live in the mouth of the kiln to produce charcoal barbecue restaurant in the luxury nurses facing sleepless their turns.
If they continue to propagate superstitions illusory, are nothing more than the blind leading the blind into the abyss. For theirs is the Kingdom turbulent.
However, God has no pleasure in the destruction of religious leaders. The Lord who insists: "I'm here at the door and knock", "Judgement begins with the house of the Lord."
I offer my advice to those who claim anointed repent and return to God, being rich in mercy. You need to be saved.
Suns Deo Gloria
From: Ricardo Gondim