La vita dà delle svolte. Il vortice del vento getta l'esistenza contro le rocce. Impotenti, siamo condotti da decisioni strane. Inadatti ed ostruiti da paure, osserviamo la nostra storia diventare una tragica trama d’opuscolo. Che cosa fare? Noi non abbiamo mezzi di controllare, soggiogare, imporre la nostra propria stupida volontà.
La vita schiaffeggia. La reputazione protetta si precipita in giù fino a sbattere sul suolo asciutto. Piranhas, nel pugnalare ci rimuovono la volontà. La nostra dignità ci s’è strappata lentamente. Fa proprio male scoprire che non siamo il carattere che c’ immaginavamo. Lo sforzo per non ripetere disastri è andato male. Noi avevamo promesso di non perpetuare cicli e abbiamo bite your tongue. We swore that we would not have agreed to repeat the section, but all in vain.
life is fading without many choices. The longevity of "cashing in pound sterling, ie, a high asking price. Who takes is condemned to rot. Die early or become senile, that's the point! We have read, learned, loved, and we moved, but a scythe can put an end to everything. Just a clot, an aneurysm, a short circuit in the common prayer and become a plant. The genetic clock does not accompany the clock. Few give strength to the damage to insurance companies. The vast majority predictability is crushed.
Life demands resignation. Is useless to resist. Who does not accept the shock s'inacidisce, days no, wolves and betrayal. The indignation somatized duodenal ulcer. The subversive punch him on the expense of a knife. The oligarchs are perpetuated in the palaces. Jackals flocks continue to roam the parliament. Amoeba infested the holy water. Smelly people will silence the prophet. What the poor-will continue to decapitate the saints. The Evil One is confondirà with preacher of righteousness.
life weakens. Therefore, the powerless, they alone, are able to live one day at a time. All others are doomed to toil. It remains to reaffirm Blessed are the meek. They expect that the Kingdom, out of history, was the topic of Jesus
La vita schiaffeggia. La reputazione protetta si precipita in giù fino a sbattere sul suolo asciutto. Piranhas, nel pugnalare ci rimuovono la volontà. La nostra dignità ci s’è strappata lentamente. Fa proprio male scoprire che non siamo il carattere che c’ immaginavamo. Lo sforzo per non ripetere disastri è andato male. Noi avevamo promesso di non perpetuare cicli e abbiamo bite your tongue. We swore that we would not have agreed to repeat the section, but all in vain.
life is fading without many choices. The longevity of "cashing in pound sterling, ie, a high asking price. Who takes is condemned to rot. Die early or become senile, that's the point! We have read, learned, loved, and we moved, but a scythe can put an end to everything. Just a clot, an aneurysm, a short circuit in the common prayer and become a plant. The genetic clock does not accompany the clock. Few give strength to the damage to insurance companies. The vast majority predictability is crushed.
Life demands resignation. Is useless to resist. Who does not accept the shock s'inacidisce, days no, wolves and betrayal. The indignation somatized duodenal ulcer. The subversive punch him on the expense of a knife. The oligarchs are perpetuated in the palaces. Jackals flocks continue to roam the parliament. Amoeba infested the holy water. Smelly people will silence the prophet. What the poor-will continue to decapitate the saints. The Evil One is confondirà with preacher of righteousness.
life weakens. Therefore, the powerless, they alone, are able to live one day at a time. All others are doomed to toil. It remains to reaffirm Blessed are the meek. They expect that the Kingdom, out of history, was the topic of Jesus
Soli Deo Gloria
From: Ricardo Gondim