A virtual world that hosts programs and forms of life either spontaneous. His father, creator of Tron, wanted to make a perfect world. Thus creating a program that corresponds to his copy, with one goal: making the virtual reality of a perfect world. Perhaps perfection does not exist, and then if there is unknowable because we are not perfect. But it is not a naive attempt, or if it is naive is still very attractive, because the search for perfection in perspective a little more moderate, commits virtually all of us. Perfection is a peak, though many say it is not possible to reach the summit or even that there is, in fact almost no one gives up push towards the top (or at least where they believe it is). How? Each time you search for 'better', as often as you want to improve any situation or any aspect - ours or someone else in the world - without thinking too much we aspire to an idea of \u200b\u200bperfection. When we buy a new TV, when we choose home, or goes to the beautician who, when you buy a cell phone ... only certain economic constraints or a limited knowledge accept compromises, but basically in all these things we are driven to make the purchase or receive the best service . Who could have for free do not choose the best? Really very few and I say very few because if there are more choices there is always someone who makes the choices even more unlikely and unprofitable.
There is a background of Zen in the film, particularly the vision of his father - after his copy has taken over - is impregnated by the revelation that things are perfect as is. A thought that may lead to inhibition of action: what is it doing in a perfect world? It 'better to wait and do nothing, we could only spoil what there is now. In fact this way of thinking, this kind of conclusions are typical of a program: there is a goal when the goal is completed, the process ends, or at most remain in constant waiting for new commands. It 'just what I was doing before he got his father's son. Pondered and admired the extraordinary wisdom of the last remaining iso.
Here are some extraordinary figures: the iso. Programs that have sprung up in the appropriate virtual environment, as well as the life was created on our planet Earth. Schedule whose execution time and development is very rapid compared to those of physical-chemical organisms. Iso These are described as extremely naive and wise, capable of revolutionizing the thinking of mankind. Why naive? Still comes out a position that was created by the firm conviction that everything is perfect: If the enemy attacks me, this event does not detract from the perfection of the world and I do not even care of the defense. In fact, the ISO were easily and quickly wiped out, except the only survivor rescued from her father.
Why the copy of his father planned to create a perfect world, destroyed the iso? This is clearly stated in the film. No program can encompass perfection captures not just the day that he saw would destroy the reputation and imperfect. This is what happened. This also means that perfection can not be imposed but must be gained personally, the idea of \u200b\u200bperfection is necessarily subjective (assuming perfection - certainly somewhat incomprehensible - there is one).
There is so much madness and loss in arriving at a serious conclusion that everything is fine as is? Unlike the programs, we have desires and fears that drive us to act. But we consider that basically we are programmed by our own desires and our fears. If you'd like more than anything and we had no fear about anything, we would like programs without objective, enduring hold, or step into a world unable to provide stimuli. And the idea of \u200b\u200bperfection as it combines all this? Our 'best' - necessarily subjective - corresponds to what best serves our best wishes and solve our fears. So believe in perfection means not to want anything or fear anything, at least this is clear if we were really very similar to a program (albeit with a body and not a circuit).
The child is an element of "disarray." He came here, would go out with his father, but that the plans satisfy the copy of his father, or use their records for them to exit from this world. The father does not want to do anything, but his son will do something different from what is expected or by standing still ... the point is that even he knows what to do, the child has the potential - as we all of us - we can not know, and make it unpredictable even to ourselves the results of what we do before and even when we act. What we are is beyond what you want, even a set of potentials that we can know only found in the situations and finding ways to respond that not even we thought. This position brings perfection on an absolutely unknowable, there is nothing to believe and this is consistent with the idea that this who we are, we can show it, without feeling compelled to do something in a perfect world. An algorithm is defined, what it can do and that will be encrypted, but the universe is infinitely complex and we are part of it, what can we do, we are, and where are we ... could well be the best and if so, to manifest our potential is perhaps the only thing that certainly improper in some sense, "we must do."