Sunday, May 17, 2009

Removing Grenadine From Carpet

Cristo salva

Jesus can save the televangelist, pastors, apostles and bishops. No one should consider the "pelegos" (traitors) famous of faith as surely lost. Christ saved Nicodemus, Zacchaeus and Saul of Tarsus. All are loved by God, even the crooks ornamented. The cynical cleric collar can also inherit Paradise. The question is: how?
Salvation comes in the house of religious person who will be willing to put your shoes humble. The idealized chatter will be emptied if the priests were forced to wait in clinics receiving public sitting on hard tomatoes. Who knows these vile

Evangelists in cravatta immaginano il dramma di una madre nera e sotto occupata? Il dolore di non trovare un asilo nido per lasciare il figlio durante la giornata per poter lavorare tranquillamente? Quali di loro sarebbero disposti a vivere, solamente per un mese, la fortuna di milioni di genitori che seppellirono i figli in un buco poco profondo? Quanti hanno mai visto la loro famiglia dormire con fame? Chissà quelli immaginano il vicolo cieco dell'esclusione sociale?

Loro trattano avventatamente la fortuna di tanti. Si può sospettare che imbarcarono nella carriera religiosa solamente per scappare dall’emarginazione economica.
Cristo salva il pastore che è sensibile verso coloro che subiscono nelle sedute di emodialisi; insieme a famiglie awaiting a lung transplant, physiotherapy clinics, where amputees and paraplegics to relearn to walk, in the Intensive Care Unit of Children's Hospital, where children have cancer need to be connected to receive chemotherapy.
Those who live by the bombast of the dogmatic discourse can be saved if they learn to be sympathetic towards the refugees of war or disaster, if they know how to assess the efforts of Doctors without Borders, who take care of the miserable in Darfur.

While the priests preach the doctrine that, at most, produce converts, they condemn themselves and their followers to hell twice warmed.
Jesus can free the televangelist, but it is necessary that they have no scruples to strip the bike-boys, bikers who endanger their lives in fast-delivery to earn a low wage, domestic workers who submit to the whims of middle-class madame, the coal miners who live in the mouth of the kiln to produce charcoal barbecue restaurant in the luxury nurses facing sleepless their turns.

If they continue to propagate superstitions illusory, are nothing more than the blind leading the blind into the abyss. For theirs is the Kingdom turbulent.
However, God has no pleasure in the destruction of religious leaders. The Lord who insists: "I'm here at the door and knock", "Judgement begins with the house of the Lord."

I offer my advice to those who claim anointed repent and return to God, being rich in mercy. You need to be saved.

Suns Deo Gloria
From: Ricardo Gondim

Friday, May 1, 2009

Do You Get High By Rubbing Coke On You Gums

Ripensando la fede.

Some things lost impetus in me. Certain allegations were empty before giunghino to my heart. Certain statements do not make more sense when I organize my day.

My faith has ceased to be a force to God that compel him to act. Conceive of faith as the courage to face life with the values \u200b\u200bof the Gospel. Faith signica a bet, and lived the truth revealed by Jesus of Nazareth has become sufficient for me to deal with the contingencies of the world without disumanizarmi. Faith does not conduct the Divine, but serves as a stepping stone which impels me to the exciting (and dangerous) adventure of life. Already

not hope that a relationship with God is my screens accidents. I do not believe, nor do I want and that God cover me with an impenetrable casing. I find it an absurd promise, in the midst of suffering, which generates a life of obedience and pure security against illness, accidents and violence.

I consider frivolous to say that when women pray, God save their children if they are involved with drugs, promiscuity and other ills. Why would God's hands are tied because of the choices or indifferent, often awkward, boys and girls? This means that if parents do not watch, God allows their children to be lost? As God incites someone to repent, Drag force in response to the request of the parents? I wonder if the "salvation" of children does not depend so much of divine intervention, but of parents?

Both in the Old Testament as in the earthly ministry of Jesus, there are reports in which God refuses to manipulate or coerce any person not to bring him. God is love and who loves is vulnerable to abandonment. A classic example comes from the prophet Hosea who embodied a rejection similar to that of God

When Israel was a child, I loved him, and called my son out of Egypt. (11.1).

In Luke, Jesus complained about the city of Jerusalem, in addition to repeat the pattern to take the prophets, rejected it:
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stones those who are sent to you! how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and ye would not! (13:34).

I do not think, for those who perform religious rites, there becomes a sea of \u200b\u200bpeace. I do not imagine that, when properly observing the commandments, the sea of \u200b\u200blife ceases to be risky.

eyes closed to pray, to pray fervently terzo, pregare inginocchiato, fare campagne per intercedere ferocemente nelle vigilie, pregare urlando, nessuna di queste espressioni religiose intende la devozione, ma si bada ai vantaggi che le altre creature umane, che non le fanno altretanto, loro non gradiranno. Io le considero clientelismo puro, ripetizioni vane, pugno su punta di coltello, mescola d’illusione con speranza.

Si assomigliano allo sforzo delle tartarughe che sognano le altitudini, ma si sentono costrette a respirare del polvere della strada.

Io trovo indegno un Cristiano chiedere che Dio lo aiuti ad essere promosso al concorso pubblico. Infatti, io considero un orrore etico. Nello stesso modo, in economie che producono esclusi non è legale chiedere that the Lord opens a door to work. " It makes no sense to imagine that the Almighty will be able to put more people in emerging countries that are working in poorer areas of the world, where billions survive on less than $ 1 per day.

I already ailing with large segments of the evangelical world, but I can not remain silent. Everywhere I hear the cliches as if they were merciful assertions of faith. Unfortunately, these jargons make the ideological role to bring people away from reality, pushing the religious delirium. Religion in this case is just opium.

Soli Deo Gloria.

From: Ricardo Gondim