Tuesday, December 29, 2009

How To Get Espnu With Cable

Vivere fa bene

Lo so che non ho bisogno di spiegare, ma sono in modo crescente appassionato dalla vita. Io amo la vita perché i colori mi affascinano, i geni mi intrigano, le poetesse mi seducono, i santi mi mettono a pezzi, I challenge the right, the lone stimulate me. Everything is overwhelmingly beautiful.
I know I run the risk of being redundant, but I'm so spoiled growing in life. I love life because the flavors I starve me, I draw the silences, the mysteries intrigue me, I call on the horizons. Already half cross-eyed, snub closely the miracle of life and I have no reaction. Everything is ridiculously delicious.
I know that I can slip on the cliché, but I'm fascinated by the adventure of life. I love life because women fascinate me, humiliate me the caring, wise people I teach, I encourage the artists. The creative fertility is infinite. Libraries one day will not cause many books.
The Louvre will need expansion. I want to live until the end of the millennium to witness what will be yet invented, created and recreated. Everything is wonderfully great.
I know that again, but I was surprised by the newspaper. I love life because they do not expect the predictable, I do not accept the manipulation of smart and no longer living with the domain of the powerful.
I welcome the unusual and the traumatic insult not to escape from the reality of pain. If I avoid the atrocities and to never become infected with the bad. Everything is a powerful challenger.
I know I keep coming back to the same theme, but they are dazzled by the contradictions of life. I love life because I suffer with anxieties that are not mine and preserve the happiness of others. Me and my brothers are paradoxical, we jump like deer and we holed up as the hare, the lion roar and dance like the hummingbirds. I celebrate the freedom to spray the paper with the poem and the tears flood the shirt with the sweat of my ideals. Everything is fantastically mysterious.
I know that I can cool down the strength of my writing, but I'm attached to the business of living. I love life because I try to block the drain through where you can go down in the few days of my life, I escape from the mundane. I stopped to hide, I am not consumed by hate to see me wear it to my attention. Nailed to the table but remember not to leave escape. If I compare myself to my friends who have aged, it is to say, my God, you are worn out more than me! I have for paying the price of longevity. I do not envy the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier or the flowers she has received from the emperor. I do not want the good fortune of Camelots: John Kennedy, Che Guevara, James Dean and Princess Diana - all soon died. Everything is highly attractive.
I know that I need to emphasize, but I need to tell myself that life is good. I love life because I choked on the look of her boyfriend at that moment of magic when you open the door of the church for his bride to say yes. I am touched with the morning coffee incenses childish. I feel the tune of the song girl as a scholarly voice of a soprano. I read the note of the prisoner as a philosophical treatise. I accept the reasons for the grandmother as indisputable truth. Everything is deeply sensitive.
I know that once again I say, in capital letters: I love life! I love life because I'm haste. I gave the Almighty, I made a less than perfect, and I began to notice that someone loves me without needing to prove something to him Everything is infinitely gracious.
Soli Deo Gloria
From: Ricardo Gondim

Sunday, October 11, 2009

South Side Auctionchicago

Eclesiaste, sempre Eclesiaste

La vita dà delle svolte. Il vortice del vento getta l'esistenza contro le rocce. Impotenti, siamo condotti da decisioni strane. Inadatti ed ostruiti da paure, osserviamo la nostra storia diventare una tragica trama d’opuscolo. Che cosa fare? Noi non abbiamo mezzi di controllare, soggiogare, imporre la nostra propria stupida volontà.

La vita schiaffeggia. La reputazione protetta si precipita in giù fino a sbattere sul suolo asciutto. Piranhas, nel pugnalare ci rimuovono la volontà. La nostra dignità ci s’è strappata lentamente. Fa proprio male scoprire che non siamo il carattere che c’ immaginavamo. Lo sforzo per non ripetere disastri è andato male. Noi avevamo promesso di non perpetuare cicli e abbiamo bite your tongue. We swore that we would not have agreed to repeat the section, but all in vain.

life is fading without many choices. The longevity of "cashing in pound sterling, ie, a high asking price. Who takes is condemned to rot. Die early or become senile, that's the point! We have read, learned, loved, and we moved, but a scythe can put an end to everything. Just a clot, an aneurysm, a short circuit in the common prayer and become a plant. The genetic clock does not accompany the clock. Few give strength to the damage to insurance companies. The vast majority predictability is crushed.

Life demands resignation. Is useless to resist. Who does not accept the shock s'inacidisce, days no, wolves and betrayal. The indignation somatized duodenal ulcer. The subversive punch him on the expense of a knife. The oligarchs are perpetuated in the palaces. Jackals flocks continue to roam the parliament. Amoeba infested the holy water. Smelly people will silence the prophet. What the poor-will continue to decapitate the saints. The Evil One is confondirà with preacher of righteousness.

life weakens. Therefore, the powerless, they alone, are able to live one day at a time. All others are doomed to toil. It remains to reaffirm Blessed are the meek. They expect that the Kingdom, out of history, was the topic of Jesus

Soli Deo Gloria

From: Ricardo Gondim

Sunday, July 26, 2009

32 Weeks Pregnant And My Left Ribs Hurt

Amore, odio e disprezzo

My passengers are hate, love, lame, the contempt, perennials. I've never been afraid to hate. My rage is harmless. At best, secret oaths. My biggest fear is despised, because I became a master in forgetting. Are associated with amnesia in mutilating. I trained to forget. I am guilty of murder emotional. Cool, I can cut up anyone who wants to. Calculation, the murderess with disdain.

I love hard, but I forget casually. Turn your back and ready, it ended. Gate around the eyes. Void odors. Tattered memories. Limo tattoos. I throw in the trash that made my soul hurt. I do not plan of revenge ever: there's no need, who are skilled in dilute hurt me.

No, I do not I'm not bragging. I know myself when I sin against contempt. I put an end to the possibility of forgiveness, of mercy to close the door key and I walk away from the well. I have to commit to not let the mediocrity, which I hate so much, let me zoom out. I need the nobility of the myths that displace the pain of the past - my beats per decade. I acknowledge that I am crippled when I delete someone. I do not like to be indifferent. From

soon suffered. Suffering and then I created a shell. I covered myself with my coat insensitivity to survive. So, I fell in love with Jesus of Nazareth. He won the hatred without a dagger. Unarmed, with only goodness, overtook the evil. Without relying on any army, made the most surprising tenderness, the strength of the universe.

I acknowledge my failure. What I have a lot to learn. I am confident that you will warmly welcome those who pull the stone out who is tilt of envy and walk two miles with those who conspire to destroy. Soli Deo Gloria

From: Ricardo Gondim

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Pokemon White Where To Buy Zinc Protein Etc

La curva dell'imponderabile

I persisted, despite having slipped in the unpredictable curve. I insist, despite that I stayed an insurmountable obstacle. Greeting his life, despite having woken up to the tragic void.

If I did not know how to count the years, I insist in protecting the moment. If I'm lost, I do not let the soul dirty, the serum and the milk does not cut me amareggerà. Spread the oil on the scratches. I close my eyes to the magic hateful. I forward.
darkness of the fog, I notice that my face cloud continues to smile. The murmuring brook, I let her cry my heart calm. I admire the eternal tide, it approximates the violence of my future.

Mosses, ivy, thistles have clung to my soul. Transform your hands into scissors gardener. I leave the network, the screams in the trapper and manages to calm my anxious sleep.

I tried to run away and I ended up surrendering to myself. Dreams served to my raft to make the mooring at the port of reality. Utopias have made me take root. Delirai. Now I sit in the rocking chair of lucidity adulthood.
High wind whistle for the opening of my castle, now impregnable. My awkward adolescence was dissolved in hope. I opened the windows and doors of my house fragile. I turn to the breath of the wild. I welcome the rain squall that blows away the dust of my vanity.

Sketches of inclement weather a storm wash my sadness. I breathe in the damp dawn. So greet the sun, I ask him to guide me during the day.
Porto rough gravel in the lining. I do not collect the rarities. Even my greatest treasures are only semi-precious stones. I do not put the auction that I love. I try to put the lock on the wealth that touches me. I feel the foxes do not destroy my vineyards. Jackals will not fit in my bed where I keep what I love so much.
Saddened, I notice that a dark void has clouded the eyes of my companions. Sad to see the stolen life, I put a tattoo on the skin with the commandment to live with intensity. And do not lose your soul, marco shoe should love. Love the beauty, life, justice, goodness.
When no sense, suffice it to peace, peace that goes beyond all understanding. Even when I do not like anyone, I know I can hear: "You are my beloved son about where my heart is satisfied."
Soli Deo Gloria
From: Ricardo Gondim

Friday, June 12, 2009

Weather For Maui In July

La contigenza e il volo 447

The world is in shock. Again shows the contingency face in the tragedy in the Air France flight. Worth mentioning: contingency means that events are not always necessary, when something happens for no reason that explains or justifies it. Contingency generates unforeseen events that run away from the wheels of cause and effect. An airplane crashes because the world is uncertain, and not because I was a victim of fate or God's plan
is said in the common sense that people only die when their time comes. If anything, this is true, the fate of people gathered in a plane that should die that day. That would give fate a frightening power. Impossible to think that people of more than thirty countries entered in the Flight 447 without knowing that meet a blind force that led to the last day of their lives.
Similarly, to believe that God allows the collapse of the aims of the plane because he seems rather eccentric. Every person with stories, projects, dreams have been torn existence because that would lead to the end goal? A macro lens? That is, because humanity ou learn to repent? That would ensure that products become scartabili, despicable. The Divine Potter, without needing to explain themselves, drown people to drive the macro story for the glorious end? Yes? Although there is a god so I do not want it.
And then, people who accept that God has a plan for each individual death. True, he is God, has all the power and the ability to gather in one place, everyone should die. But it is good as well. Then, all passengers were elected to do Qualle purpose? We are satisfied to think that the good harvest of so many lives, without any sense on our side, it is guaranteed eternity? ("God knows what he does"?) How to explain this concept for parents, children and lone parents? All are chained to the tragic reality that has separated from their dear ones.
The idea that God has a plan for each death is emptied in front of the numbers. An airplane crashed, but what about the countless accidents every day? What about the stray bullets that cripple pedestrians? And medical error or traffic accidents? Recently a lady in our community has fallen from the attic of the house under construction. She photographed the work because her daughter could help with the cost of the finish. She broke her back and became a paraplegic. The last could give an explanation which is that God had a plan in making paralysis. Jesus never cogito
the world without contingency. Indeed, not associated the collapse of a tower to the divine purposes, did not say that man's blindness was the result of causal internal actions, and that of his parents, he noticed that his disciples would face the storms, sorrow and death.
The contingency is the space of freedom. Thus, the human condition. Without the contingency dehumanize us. The awareness of the risk of getting sick and unpredictability of sudden death is the price we paid for our humanity.
The crash of the plane shows the futility of thinking that the proper exercise of religion and the most excellent technological capacity is enough to cancel the contingency. Our life is uncertain and ephemeral. So live it intensely. Each applicant may be the last. Carpe Diem!

Soli Deo Gloria

From: Ricardo Gondim

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Removing Grenadine From Carpet

Cristo salva

Jesus can save the televangelist, pastors, apostles and bishops. No one should consider the "pelegos" (traitors) famous of faith as surely lost. Christ saved Nicodemus, Zacchaeus and Saul of Tarsus. All are loved by God, even the crooks ornamented. The cynical cleric collar can also inherit Paradise. The question is: how?
Salvation comes in the house of religious person who will be willing to put your shoes humble. The idealized chatter will be emptied if the priests were forced to wait in clinics receiving public sitting on hard tomatoes. Who knows these vile

Evangelists in cravatta immaginano il dramma di una madre nera e sotto occupata? Il dolore di non trovare un asilo nido per lasciare il figlio durante la giornata per poter lavorare tranquillamente? Quali di loro sarebbero disposti a vivere, solamente per un mese, la fortuna di milioni di genitori che seppellirono i figli in un buco poco profondo? Quanti hanno mai visto la loro famiglia dormire con fame? Chissà quelli immaginano il vicolo cieco dell'esclusione sociale?

Loro trattano avventatamente la fortuna di tanti. Si può sospettare che imbarcarono nella carriera religiosa solamente per scappare dall’emarginazione economica.
Cristo salva il pastore che è sensibile verso coloro che subiscono nelle sedute di emodialisi; insieme a famiglie awaiting a lung transplant, physiotherapy clinics, where amputees and paraplegics to relearn to walk, in the Intensive Care Unit of Children's Hospital, where children have cancer need to be connected to receive chemotherapy.
Those who live by the bombast of the dogmatic discourse can be saved if they learn to be sympathetic towards the refugees of war or disaster, if they know how to assess the efforts of Doctors without Borders, who take care of the miserable in Darfur.

While the priests preach the doctrine that, at most, produce converts, they condemn themselves and their followers to hell twice warmed.
Jesus can free the televangelist, but it is necessary that they have no scruples to strip the bike-boys, bikers who endanger their lives in fast-delivery to earn a low wage, domestic workers who submit to the whims of middle-class madame, the coal miners who live in the mouth of the kiln to produce charcoal barbecue restaurant in the luxury nurses facing sleepless their turns.

If they continue to propagate superstitions illusory, are nothing more than the blind leading the blind into the abyss. For theirs is the Kingdom turbulent.
However, God has no pleasure in the destruction of religious leaders. The Lord who insists: "I'm here at the door and knock", "Judgement begins with the house of the Lord."

I offer my advice to those who claim anointed repent and return to God, being rich in mercy. You need to be saved.

Suns Deo Gloria
From: Ricardo Gondim

Friday, May 1, 2009

Do You Get High By Rubbing Coke On You Gums

Ripensando la fede.

Some things lost impetus in me. Certain allegations were empty before giunghino to my heart. Certain statements do not make more sense when I organize my day.

My faith has ceased to be a force to God that compel him to act. Conceive of faith as the courage to face life with the values \u200b\u200bof the Gospel. Faith signica a bet, and lived the truth revealed by Jesus of Nazareth has become sufficient for me to deal with the contingencies of the world without disumanizarmi. Faith does not conduct the Divine, but serves as a stepping stone which impels me to the exciting (and dangerous) adventure of life. Already

not hope that a relationship with God is my screens accidents. I do not believe, nor do I want and that God cover me with an impenetrable casing. I find it an absurd promise, in the midst of suffering, which generates a life of obedience and pure security against illness, accidents and violence.

I consider frivolous to say that when women pray, God save their children if they are involved with drugs, promiscuity and other ills. Why would God's hands are tied because of the choices or indifferent, often awkward, boys and girls? This means that if parents do not watch, God allows their children to be lost? As God incites someone to repent, Drag force in response to the request of the parents? I wonder if the "salvation" of children does not depend so much of divine intervention, but of parents?

Both in the Old Testament as in the earthly ministry of Jesus, there are reports in which God refuses to manipulate or coerce any person not to bring him. God is love and who loves is vulnerable to abandonment. A classic example comes from the prophet Hosea who embodied a rejection similar to that of God

When Israel was a child, I loved him, and called my son out of Egypt. (11.1).

In Luke, Jesus complained about the city of Jerusalem, in addition to repeat the pattern to take the prophets, rejected it:
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stones those who are sent to you! how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and ye would not! (13:34).

I do not think, for those who perform religious rites, there becomes a sea of \u200b\u200bpeace. I do not imagine that, when properly observing the commandments, the sea of \u200b\u200blife ceases to be risky.

eyes closed to pray, to pray fervently terzo, pregare inginocchiato, fare campagne per intercedere ferocemente nelle vigilie, pregare urlando, nessuna di queste espressioni religiose intende la devozione, ma si bada ai vantaggi che le altre creature umane, che non le fanno altretanto, loro non gradiranno. Io le considero clientelismo puro, ripetizioni vane, pugno su punta di coltello, mescola d’illusione con speranza.

Si assomigliano allo sforzo delle tartarughe che sognano le altitudini, ma si sentono costrette a respirare del polvere della strada.

Io trovo indegno un Cristiano chiedere che Dio lo aiuti ad essere promosso al concorso pubblico. Infatti, io considero un orrore etico. Nello stesso modo, in economie che producono esclusi non è legale chiedere that the Lord opens a door to work. " It makes no sense to imagine that the Almighty will be able to put more people in emerging countries that are working in poorer areas of the world, where billions survive on less than $ 1 per day.

I already ailing with large segments of the evangelical world, but I can not remain silent. Everywhere I hear the cliches as if they were merciful assertions of faith. Unfortunately, these jargons make the ideological role to bring people away from reality, pushing the religious delirium. Religion in this case is just opium.

Soli Deo Gloria.

From: Ricardo Gondim

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Virtual Table Warhammer 40k

Only 20 "Black Pool

20 seconds. Time for a coffee bar, and out of the car park, to come down from the eighth floor of a building, to turn a map, to wash their hands, a greeting and a "how are you? Everything is fine thanks and you? Everything ok. Hello "

20 seconds, maybe less, and fall 20 years of real estate speculation, and all of their content, vine.

The stretch of highway closed compels us to go to the Eagle, Aragno, pagans, and finally Assergi Camarda.

Just over 100 € of expenses that are essential and a smile will turn into a God's people that surround our car on arrival are the same ones with which I ate, drank, joked and shared the summers for 28 years, every year . Only my name is the pause between embracing and crying. A cry, their, full of content, including all the dignity, stuck to the belief that the little that remains from the rubble, not the end, not the end but the beginning from which to begin again, stone by stone.

packs of salt, sugar, long life milk, everything goes through a train of hands, until the stock (ex-bar) of the country. The first sensation that you take the neck è quella profonda convinzione che potresti fare di più, sempre di più, che loro capiscono all’istante e cercano di smorzare con un grazie, non ti preoccupare, noi stiamo bene, non dovevi, grazie, grazie.

Nel prato dove sono ora facevamo le “arrostate”, tanto vino, tanta pecora, tanti sorrisi. Ora è una tendopoli, una delle tante. La gente si aggira chiedendo chi ha un telo, chi ha dell’acqua, la protezione civile tarda ad arrivare ed è comprensibile, loro sono tra i più fortunati, molti hanno perso solo amici.

Altri non sanno dove andare, Chiara ti dice col sorriso che ha perso, tra l’altro, tutte e due le case, a l’Aquila e a Paganica, and now live in the camper, but she is lucky, its doing well.

Crying is not allowed, nor complain, thoughts have turned to L'Aquila, and they are the lucky ones, so it is sin.

We give a hand to fix something in the field, and as they prepare sandwiches for lunch arrives on time, the journalist who wants to see, with his camera, like the earthquake and what they eat, where they sleep the earthquake, what's inside tents of earthquake survivors as they go to the bathroom, earthquakes and, finally, why are so sad this earthquake. Some close to the old lady there, crying, sad turn of plan as the basis of music and will be sold to some special evening, but now we go to lunch autogrill, who came to me hungry.

we hear via a phone call that a piece of the highway was reopened to traffic, then we go to the Eagle will resume from where the highway.

As we approach the city with the increasing number of road blocks for us to announce that we are close to what we had until now only seen on television. The images of TG I thought I had prepared for the worst, it was not.

Christ's sake what happened. The roads that I used to take no longer recognize. The places I frequent are gone, and many of the people attending them there are no more. There are many memories that come to mind, life scenes, photographed and sculpted in the memory, and not matched by what you see, everything is changed, everything is different.

There's nothing personal, private, everything is public, pictures, clothes, furniture, books, games ... all on the street ... all the personal content surrounded by walls that once was a house is now open, raped, sexually assaulted by what looks like a bomb.

Too many heads will fall, but not falling.

Maybe our generation just missed it, the war. But here there is no front, the enemy did not flag, you can not withdraw, there are no strategies, no one to fight, there are moves to predict, there is a surrender to be signed.

The images run too fast the car window, and I do not know if I would stop or go away, to take that highway that takes me back home immediately, so fast to escape the feeling that you take as a stomach cramp that does not give up, that haunts you, as a sense of guilt. Guilty of what? You could have done more? You'd have to stay? I do not know, we all have our lives and move on, this is only one way, for us to go home. But when

you wake up and go to the bathroom to brush your teeth, stomach cramp that comes back to visit you, right where you left it at the bottom of the stomach, to remember how many times have you complained, poor bastard with a drawer full of ideals, because hit by unemployment and forced to seek work at home on infojobs, depressed and had to be sold on ebay the bike, struck by an earthquake with a roof to be redone in a renovated house with 10 years of the thirteenth and hard work, but that despite everything is still standing.

Hit, hit, hit. Three out of three.

But not sunk, my dear fate of the cock ... not sunk.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Brazilian Wax And Happy Ending

L'icona della libertà.

My father dreamed of the possibility of emigrating to Canada one day. Political prisoner, he imagined one day disappear, simply evaporate, in any city in the cold for us because it never mention his name anymore.

Dad was joking when he spoke of his cassock. Envied the priests. "In habit," they said, "private parts without close breathe." In the years of military dictatorship heinous of '64, became intense obsession with freedom. My father believed that the freedom had to begin by the genitals, which they needed room to move "smoothly."

Io crebbi con tale urgenza. Nell'adolescenza, io volli "andare via” dal Ceará. Il mio sette settembre accaderebbe sulla pista dell'aeroporto. Sognavo un giorno gridare "indipendenza o morte" oltre i diecimila metri di altitudine. Io volli andare inoltre il perimetro stretto di Fortaleza.

Intanto non riuscivo a fuggire, m’iscrissi nei corsi di inglese, tedesco e l'esperanto. Tutto nello stesso giorno. Disperato, bussavo alla porta di altre lingue, provando a conoscere le culture che potessero ricevermi come esilio. Io credei che studiando delle lingue, avrei potuto insorgermi contro il piccolo mondo che ho occupato.

Quando lasciai la chiesa cattolica, desiderai ardentemente la libertà che i protestanti dicevano di possederla. Loro predicavano l'autonomia nella lettura delle Scritture.

Perché non mi conformavo alla soffocante aria della vita quotidiana, praticai dello sport. Collezionai dei francobolli. Volevo essere molta cosa allo stesso tempo. Giungo a dire che più di uno, ne "fummo molti". Tutti ansiosi per emigrare, tutti lottando per una libertà che c’era alla fine del mare verde di patria mia.

Il libero è nato dal non-contentamento. Suo prurito gratta, ma non sa dire dove. Specie di guasta-feste nella festa dell'indulgenza, incarna la contraddizione che asservisce il re e fa diventare il suo proprio padrone il vassallo .

Il libero dice che il corpo soffre con l'oppressione, ma il cuore appartiene to another homeland. Without ever having reached the haven, turns his back on the carousel of survival. Disdains the wrinkled faces and says he does not fear the threat of hell.

The free bus will not wait, do not look for the track, but cycling does not follow the ways, opening a path through the woods, creating trends. His nostalgia is intangible. His past, the fuel of hope.

Dad wore the robe and not never visited Canada, but never allowed the shackles of connivance, the dead weight of "peleguismo" * and the cynicism of the material takes his heart.

Today I woke up with longing for him, my icon of freedom.

Suns Deo Gloria

Peleguismo *: Time-in-law in Brazil during the period of President Getulio Vargas in the "Vargas was" (1930-45), referring to those placed in the middle of the trade unions to defend the interests of the employer's secret work.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Recreational Vehicle Show Anaheim Stadium

La vita

logical systems we're bored. We reject the moralism. Yawn with schmaltz. We suspect ideologies. We fear the demagoguery. We reject totalitarianism. We escape from intolerance.

what we call bread c'alimenta dignity. Water when c'idrata it seethes with affection. We do not want the treatment, there is enough shoulder. We pay for excesses because someone feels one-sided love affair.

We run any distance to see the poet in a trance. We love the stage, screens, tracks the circus. Enrich the artist. Rebel against the chains of metal immanence, We aim for transcendence. The magic, fantasy, fiction, everything c'incanta. Give us understand the parables and the Eternal Kingdom. Fables we arming of ethical criteria for the next choice. Story lines of soap operas, novels and stories teach us love, revenge, jealousy, kindness.

Why we live, we depend on hugs, whispering, skin, sweat, looks. Do not We expect clarification on the Divine, in fact, we prefer to taste it. Among the possibilities to understand the Great Mystery of His presence and be wet, we choose a thousand times for a baptism of love. Conceived in passion, aspire feelings. Fired from her breasts, grow attracted by the beautiful.

those who intoxicate, c'animano shines, the shadows are falling asleep. Mathematical equations explain the metrics of the melody. Compasses organize anarchy. C'incantano songs. We organize to perpetuate the great orchestras. We do jazz to enhance the surprise. We create, imitate the Creator.

not only exist, we live! Soli Deo Gloria

From: Ricardo Gondim.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Cheats For Planetary Pinball On Funbrain

I due lati del messaggio

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for the reason the kingdom of 'heaven is theirs. Woe to the dominant, the empire because they create hatred. Those who need the strength to hold the power did not start with the logic of love.

Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. Damn the indifferent, because they fall in cynicism. Buckets, discarded lives. Disdainful, they do not suffer from the abandonment of those forgotten the anguish of the captives, and the despair of the oppressed.

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit them la terra. Maledetti gli altezzosi, perché si permettono di spronare, agrediscono senza nessun controllo e riceveranno una prigione sotterranea per eredità.

Beati coloro che sono affamati ed assetati della giustizia, perciocchè saranno saziati. Maledetti coloro che cercano argomenti per giustificare le loro tirannie; coloro che fidano delle coerenze per vessare l'indifeso e subiranno assetati ed affamati della bontà.

Beati i misericordiosi, perciocchè misericordia sarà loro fatta. Maledetti gli implacabili, perché loro saranno misurati con la stessa inflessibilità che trattarono gli altri; prima o poi loro riceveranno punizione proporzionale alla loro irrepreensibilità.

Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. Drudge's smart, because they will die alone. The fake does not connects to the heart of God, the aleivoso lost the compass of the universe, the impostor does not pull the bandage to the eyes and is condemned to not ever feel the sublime.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God cursed the ones conspiring war, that gives back to the bombing of asymmetric immoderate for aggression, the death of children and the elderly. Those will go down in the deepest hell, because they devastate the city, decimating their etnias, and slaughtered in the State.

Blessed are those who are persecuted for the cause of justice, For unto the kingdom of 'heaven is theirs. Maldetti afflicting tyrants to defend the ideology or religion, race or economics. Form an alliance with God dealt with, he extends his hand to the homeless and makes with the oppressive society.

You will be blessed when men will have reproached, and persecuted, and falsely told avran every evil word against you because of me. Damn you are flying like vultures for the destruction of the little peek, and get excited with bad news, and deduct only the worst intentions of others.

Rejoice and be glad: for great is your reward will 'heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. Complain and agonize, for great will be the eternal punishment in the prison, and you will have the same fate as the criminals who have lived before you.
Soli Deo Gloria.
From: Ricardo Gondim

Saturday, March 7, 2009

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La dipendenza suprema.

For Alysson Amorim.

"As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him. For he knows our frame and remembers that we are dust." - Psalm 103 13-14.

We are obvious. We live with few options. We do not get up flights. The recipe does not tolerate changes in the air we breathe. Con un po’ d'inattività, si deperiscono i muscoli dei piedi e delle mani - e del cuore. Il nostro sangue non può perdere l’equilibrio. La nostra temperatura sale cinque gradi e abbiamo convulsioni.

Noi siamo limitati. Il dizionario della nostra lingua quotidiana non riempie cento pagine. Lo spettro della nostra audizione non giunge alla categoria canina. Abbiamo l’intuizione, ma non capiamo la nostra percezione. Intollerante al dolore, ci disperiamo. Le altitudini c'indeboliscono, le valli c'opprimono, gli oceani ci fanno persi.

Noi siamo effimeri. Non scampiamo dalle carpe. La nostra pelle raggrinza con poco sole, gli occhi oscurano con quattro decadi ed i peli cadono senza ragione. Noi sacrifichiamo il palato in favore della salute, ma non riusciamo a raggirare la decadenza. I primi anni dell'infanzia giacciono nell'inconscio, gli ultimi, quelli della vecchiaia, nella demenza.

Siamo effimeri. Abbiamo bisogno di compagnia. L'impertinenza dell'altro è migliore della solitudine. Cerchiamo i deserti e piangiamo di nostalgia. L'irritazione è insufficiente per allontanarci dall'amore. Fragili, supplichiamo per abbracci. Un sentimento di orfanità ci sveglia tutte le mattine, e andiamocene in giro alla ricerca di accoglienza. Nel crepuscolo, supplichiamo per rifugio e ninnananna.

Dipendiamo dalla Grazia non per essere cattivi, bensì per essere delicati.

Soli Deo Gloria.

From: Ricardo Gondim

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Ring Worm Under Breast

L'ombra nel cammino.

I wake up, go out looking for what you do not know, many times what I have no idea. My desire is not profane, even though the soil. Just calm the soul, suppress haste. I want to remove the helmet, leaving aside the sword, unbutton the collar.

I walk with difficulty. I moved away from the person who represents me to the public platforms. I break my mold that forms the expectations of others. Unlearn the lessons I've taught.

I find myself and reinvent me. Get lost in the mountain of fantasies that I have scattered for the land. Hermetic, I'm not consistent in what I write. The items, fragile signs of my intuitions, are defective. I appeal to platitudes. Perhaps the obvious to help me express what I feel.

I sew my heart with torn rags of the past. Ideals, they were mending the broken, dreams of youth, chips, the fierce struggle, the bitter taste of falsehood. Surprise new protecting the backs of fences. Intimidated by the pain, I refused the hand that caresses. I suspect that a commendation antecipa spit.

tired I lie down. I imagine that one day I will not again put my head on the pillow. I feel distressed, I will miss the smells that color my memory. I want to grab the time. No, I fear not the twilight of old age. But away from love is too overloaded. I am sure, will stay at a table surrounded by empty chairs.

At the end of the road spit a cross whose shadow is cast on me. However, do not give up the narrow gate. Sure, I get even on Calvary. A man ahead of me there and I am encouraged by his greatness. I follow his steps.

Soli Deo Gloria.
From: Ricardo Gondim

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Had Tooth Pulled, White Spots On Gums


Genilson entered the great hall, he counted eighteen rows of benches and sat down. The place was empty. A silence that terrifies dominated space. The walls absorb any noise. None crossed the barrier of the eighteen seats, no one sat between Genilson and the altar.

"What brought me to this place?" He wondered. Without ever having made a prayer, participated in a ritual or read any catechism, he felt lost. All the curious: the height of the roof, the coldness of the floor, the hardness of the bench, the distance from the pulpit, the absence of neighbors.

Genilson twenty-two minutes remained in the mysterious vastness of space. He felt that nothing touched him. The quietness that filled the void amazing. The fear of the place made him get up. He walked dragging his feet towards the entrance, exit now. Forgot count your steps, went down the stairs to reach the sidewalk.

He returned home and his son wanted to know where it was while he was out. "In the presence of God," she answered. Soli Deo Gloria

From: Ricardo Gondim

Monday, February 9, 2009

Money Tree For A 21 Year Old

Elogio al libero pensatore

The free thinker thinks freely. Obvious. For him, the boundaries of right and wrong have to do with integrity, never with the assimilation of pre-established logic. Allows addrittura, which pull the carpet of his old assertions. Not only causes the debate to debate. Voltage beliefs for the sake of wisdom. Unassuming, does not hesitate to contradict. Ride even attitudes that took.

The Freethinker prefer piusttosto the jungle to the path already taken for granted, detailed maps to the maze, the path to the dark street lit. Live well together with the infinite truth. Face to know how the galaxy full of luminaries inaccessible to billions of light years. It is the dolphin playing in the ocean of ideas. The free thinker

guarantees the good society. He feels, welcomes, investigates and declares with the simplicity of children. He discusses, answers, results and requires the rigidity of the masters. Complaint, compare and fighting with the vehemence of the prophets. Narra, playing, laughing and creating with lightness of the poets. He is demanding academic talks, but the mockers table in the bar; attention among opponents, but instigante among friends. The free thinker breaks

scientific paradigms, inaugurated the literary schools, revolutionizes the parliaments, mobilizes militancy. Dies, however, the beacon of religion. Soli Deo Gloria

From: Ricardo Gondim

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

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La strada più facile

would be so much easier to silence rather than expose, conceal rather than to address, to agree instead of querying . I honestly prefer the calm alla turbolenza; l'alienazione alla replica; la pace alla tensione. Desisto. Io non mi capisco, io non mi spiego. Io sento un formicolio e mi getto in modo baldazoso al dibattito delle idee. Forse immagino di trovare la magnanimità, grandezza umana.

Sarebbe così più facile non far dondolare la barca e navigare in acque tranquille (il mio corretore non rinuncia alla dieresi*). Sono d'accordo, non si dovrebbe correggere il re. Lo ammetto, non è messo in dubbio quello che fu messo come assoluto. Lo riconosco, non si costringe la maggioranza.

Sarebbe così più facile scivolare per il pensionamento come un'unanimità. Meglio lasciarsi cadere nella fama del mito. Sì, l'arte di contraffare un carattere does not require much. Doing well is not complicated. Perform consistent with the expectations of the crowd is with little evidence. Ticchi I cling to the skin and end up completing a few travel diary.

would be so much easier to follow the path already trodden. I do not know why, I was in the wrong direction. Without programming, I ended up rowing against the current. I made painful choices. I formed an alliance with peers. Landed on the outskirts. I stumbled on the border of Orthodox thought. I spied her on the wall of consent. End I exile.

Everything was easy. I must now explain to those who love me. I have to suffer with the concerns of those who swallowed me. I have to deal with those suspected of abandoning me.

would it easier to go down the slope. But I would need to break in and live with a liar like me. I have no choice. I am obliged to live together with my difficulties. I embraced myself die.

Soli Deo Gloria

From: Ricardo Gondim

* The word "quiet" in Portuguese recently it was written with the umlaut (the symbol "¨"): "tranquil." But with the new agreement spelling in Portuguese-speaking countries (which came into force in January 2009) the symbol was removed from the words, remaining only in words or foreign names.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Trish Stratus Forced To Strip In Ring

Il bene

Good knows how to wait. Patient, waits for the scrap is emptied of the men who forged metal chains.

Good is delicate. Fragile, need protection. Simple, does not require treatment.

Good lives in the most unknown of the soul, in the alcove of the disease. Born in the marrow of the spirit. To survive, it needs the power structures. Dissolves in salt water. Discreet, the light is not, as happens to moths. The good

courts. It draws for its allegations. Seduce in the delicate hands of the physiotherapist who pursue the elderly, in the face of the social worker who weighs the malnourished children in the effort of volunteers who distribute blankets among the exiles of the flood.

The well down into the dropping of donated blood. The truth may be established by the commitment of the Norwegian doctor who lives in the Gaza Strip. It is seen in the provision of youth who march for peace, despite the cold that froze the tip of the nose and the bombs of tear gas that made him cry.

The well ran to the Pelourinho * and resist the perennial massacres of the powerful. When the curtains covering the hatred, the young men and women embody. The poets extol the good. Celebrated in the cathedrals and experienced in the brothels, is both human and divine, angelic and land. Soli Deo Gloria

From: Ricardo Gondim

Pelourinho *: During the period of slavery, was the place (a pole) where The Portuguese infligevano harsh punishment (usually with stripes) and even death to the slaves who committed crimes.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Do You Get High By Rubbing Coke On Your Gums


who loves color the wind, the sun smells, tempera hours. Love forges people without making them stupid. The Cogita not love, then it is not. Illogical, is not invited to the chair of accuracy.

lovers expect. Each lover is naive, always commits acts missed. Imprecavido, is left to be caught in flagrant repeated. Love is not secured, even if resistant even under torture.

lovers meet, completed, agrees. The lover runs, the last to arrive, but he feels the winner. Vassallo, without asking accepts and respects the order that was never given. Imprudent, renunciation of preferences, gives way, divides the yoke, washes the feet.

lovers fear losing. Lovers disdain the time. Idleness is not a sin for them. Consider profits, lost the edge of the beach one afternoon a week "ruined" the poor, spent a month studying Dentistry.

lovers transgress. The eternal love is a contradiction. To the beloved, cancels what he said categorically. Breaks the law (even the divine) to avoid being stoned. Merciful, assumes a fool. Embrace the prostitute unworthy causes indignation, pardon fugitive thief, coward and bet on the dinner with the traitor.

lovers suffer. Love and passion are born in the same nest. The quiet love does not exist. Vulnerable, in danger of suffering from neglect. Helpless, he refuses to manipulate. Undergoes discards, wonders and dreams of a return does not fit ingratitude.

who loves chatting with the stars, says that the walls and feel doubts mirrors. Ridiculous, he insists on writing letters that can never be published. The lover sees the beauty in veils dirt, dried leaves, dead water, yellowed grass, rainy days.

lovers sees God in the poor. The lover feels good between the elderly and widows. Their angels do not fly and they do not show strength, only compassion. Sensitive, dying with the pain of others. Honest, it simulates omnipotence. Humble, does not propagate his personal advancement.

who loves knows God and is born of God

Soli Deo Gloria.

From: Ricardo Gondim

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Pink Bump On Shih Tzus

Spiritualità fuori dalla cornice

Similar to Chico Buarque, I can say that my father was St. Paul, Mother of Ceará, my paternal grandfather coffee farmer in the region steeple of St. Paul, and the mother's Communist Fortaleza. Dad was a teacher of history and agnostic mother, artist and slightly plastic Cristiana - fearing death, she converted to Christianity in the last months of his life. I grew up Catholic, emigrated to the Presbyterian and Pentecostal then ended. I also "I'm going on the highway for many years."

After I completed 50 years of life, he began another time in my pilgrimage. I spent some logic to question the religion I accepted adolescence. First, I was shocked with the ethical values \u200b\u200bthat I have received many built-in missionary work. Then, I am outraged by the arrogance in the American world view of colonialism and religious people. Suddenly, the simplicity of the sermons I shook. But what was worse with the "march for Jesus," with which teleevangelisti, offering wholesale and miracles with the lack of scruples of mercadeggiatori of faith, they manipulated the need to promote themselves.

Although none of those reasons were separately able to make me abandon the ship of the evangelical movement, the universal suffering slapped me, asking questions that I could not give at all.

all started when I walked the streets of Mumbai (Bombaim old) and I saw a beggar, totally naked, lying on a manhole. ll poor sleep in mud, gasping for breath. That scene stole my sleep at night, disturbed me for months after I returned to Brazil, and is still in the retina of my mind. What my logic told the fortune of that 'outcast were not sufficient to calm the anxiety that arose in me.

The first theological presupposition that collapsed was that of Providence. Concordant with the foundation Calvinist, God brought about in the last eternity, all events, all the details of the course that he created the universe. With full wisdom, God not only preserves established as that exists, so that his will is always accomplished.

It was then that I thought, if the smallest events are predetermined by God, that beggar lying in the garbage because that era's legacy of God for him. I went and took my last argument to the ultimate consequences: Auschwitz, Rwanda and genocide are all also part of the providential ingrenaggio, and they will bring greater glory to God in eternity. As of that event, I went to doubt whether quelle che rimane all'umanità è ripetere per la fede che "Dio sa quello che fa." Qualche cosa dentro di me dice di no, mille volte no.

Io cominciai a studiare la Teodicea - Teodicea è un termine inventato del XVIImo secolo per far confronto con l’impassse della sofferenza umana davanti all'onnipotenza di Dio. La parola è composta da due radici greche: theos, che significa Dio, e dikaios che significa giustizia. Quindi, Teodicea è una disciplina della filosofia che tenta di capire come Dio può essere allo stesso tempo giusto e buono davanti a tanta sofferenza, in un mondo che lui creò e del quale è supremo.

La Teodicea ha come marchio il trattato che Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz scrisse per riconciliare tre asserzioni diverse:

Dio è Onnipotente.
Dio è amore- lui ama con perfezione.
La sofferenza del mondo creato da Dio è terribile.

C'è un paradosso irreconciliabile in quelle tre asserzioni. Loro non possono essere simultaneamente vere. Se Dio è Onnipotente, dunque, libero per fare quello che desidera, è capace di trovare mezzi per far finire la sofferenza intera. Se Dio è perfettamente amorevole, non può tollerare così molta crudeltà, tanto orrore nell'universo. Comunque, lui è potente e buono e milioni soffrono. Qual è la soluzione?

Quale il chiarimento per quello che accadde in Cambodia? Perché Dio non intervenne quando il regime di Pol Pot slaughtered two million people? Some died because they used glasses. The regime considered that people who need glasses have liked to study and they were intelettualizzate. Those should be removed because they could pose a danger to the revolution.

What is the logic to allow divine absurdity of that magnitude that destroyed so many lives? Why does not God ordered a mega disaster of nature to prevent the progress of that communist crazy?

I spoke to a man who has received news that his son will be born with a genetic deformity and serious. He does not understand why God does something like that. I asked where he had sinned to deserve punizione di quella taglia e ha ripetuto molte volte che se Dio ha tutto sotto controllo, non riesce ad immaginare che lui abbia scopo così pesante per la sua famiglia.

Nelle articolazioni classiche della teologia, quel ragazzo verrà al mondo per portare a termine uno scopo (si usa molto spesso un testo poetico del Salmo 139 per affermare quel Dio tesse ogni dettaglio del codice genetico delle persone, inoltre le deformazioni serie). Nell'istante in cui ho ascoltato il racconto di quel padre mi sono chiesto: perché Dio nella scorsa eternità avrebbe predestinato un bambino per soffrire con deficienza così profonda? Dio castiga severamente l'umanità solo perché Adamo ed Eva morsero la frutta proibita? Sarà vero che God "needs" of a genetic deformity produce maturity in a couple?

But what about a billion people on the planet who does not have enough food? Will the curse of God reaches primarily the poor? Because every five seconds a child dies from starving in the Third World? What God has to teach the Brazilians with the contempt it produces Imondi unnecessary deaths in public hospitals on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro? - Due to the lack of basic drugs, doctors are forced to choose who will be treated and who will die in conditions of scarcity.

I'm already waiting for the sting: those questionnaires they will be teasing the crawl. "The problem Gondim he is reckless God's sovereignty, "the Calvinists say. Pentecostals repeat that I dare to hinder the divine attributes. Some consider me a fool to say that the doctrine of Providence leads inexorably to fatalism.

I have stopped believing that God is an upholsterer working secretly on the back of the carpet. I have also abandoned the idea that suffering was universal as punishment for the "original sin." I do not think that the course of history must be the way it still is for some reason still unclear. I believe that the story is derailed, the will of God was not as he wished. What injustice, maldistribution of wealth and the decay of natural resources, the abuse of economic power and selfishness that has spread not represent the will of God that beggar's misfortune did not happen for a "permissive will", but for short-term factors that produce perverse pain in the heart of God's paternal

Faced with the dismantling of the story, I believe that the Almighty invites men and they may become its partners, agents, processors of history, and builders of the future of the United antecipatori.

I began to rethink my building without theological determinism or fatalism of classical theology - the belief that most Greek Jews - and now I go to the end. I think that even

if theologians do not do the homework, do not review the assumptions of their speeches, the dilemma of human suffering will continue to slap the evangelical movement. Worse, certain clarifications deform what we understand as God's goodness Meanwhile, many like me will have to build a spirituality out of the frame.

Soli Deo Gloria.

From: Ricardo Gondim

Friday, January 16, 2009

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Ora io vado fino alla fine

I do not know why I took a stand against the invasion of Gaza. I am not Palestinian, I was never in the bombed areas and I have nothing in common with any militant dell'Hamas. Although I recognize that there are many Christians among the Palestinians, understand that its majority is Muslim. I do not know anything of the Qur'an. I love the Jewish culture and Jesus, my Lord, it was jew.

Then why, my God, I am outraged against the massacre of 2009? I established my reputation as a relativist, a friend of liberal and an enemy of the "chosen people of God." I only had the label of anti-Semitic (without wanting to defend myself, but just to remember: I am an admirer of the jew and I thought I recognize the pacifist tradition of expert on the theory of Semitic thought.)

"Ricardo, you do not know that the whole world is against Israel? They do not know that Jesus will come in the clouds to defend the cause of his people? Do not they know that the same God who ordered the decimation of whole cities, killing children, old people and animals, now "clean" the land of Israel? Do not you know that you run the risk of being next to the Antichrist and the Beast? "

I, who are already affected, I got completely uncomfortable with evangelicals. My reaction, in front of all the arguments: Jesus of Nazareth would not approve never militarized state that an oppressor and does it with ridiculously poor trapped in a strip of land forty kilometers long and ten kilometers wide. Christ would not tolerate that the sons of Boanerges invoke the series Biblical fire will rain from heaven upon the Samaritans. Impulse not the cause of the Zealots, did not cause hatred and incited revenge.

The evangelical movement, the vast majority interprets biblical prophecy through the lens of fundamentalism. The most common version, the world has risen against the Jews. Led by the Antichrist, people will fight against Israel. But Jesus comes to redeem his people.

A question, only one: Why do the nations will arise against Israel? If the state of Israel commits atrocities, massacres and oppression, then I am forced to oppose him. No prophecy compels me to accept the cruelty. I can not do un patto con progetti meticolosamente programmati per umiliare un popolo sofferto ed ingiustiziato. Ho assunto un impegno con la giustizia e non con una lettura sbagliata della profezia. Io sono accanto a chi fa quello che è lodevole e di buona fama, io non posso tollerare massacri.

E le profezie? Io non sono contro qualsiasi profezia, ma solo nemico dell'interpretazione che la teologia faceva della profezia. Io non sono contro il progetto di Dio, solo la tendenza all'instrumentalizzazione del progetto per trarre profitto ad una religione o un'ideologia. Io non sono contro la Bibbia, sono solo estraneo al cinismo religioso.

Io so che dovrei stare quieto e assaporare le mie indignazioni in riserbo. Ma non ci riesco! Forse la mia natura a rustic man pushes me to the side of people like Noam Chomski, Jimmy Carter, G. Finkelstein, Naomi Klein and other liberals, humanists, relativists and postmodernists. I recognize that they are violent, and most of the time, visceral. As a Pentecostal, flooded my emotions.

I do not like the pinch. Better to get along with the majority, not indispormi with the powerful and those who do not tease stings. I get annoyed and end up shot, but what to do?

When I was born an angel cherub A shameless

annoying and decreed that I was destined to be wrong so

very beginning of my public road is crooked
But I'm going to end. *

Chico Buarque.

Soli Deo Gloria

Ricardo Gondim

* Free translation

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

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Quello che penso sulla strage di Gaza.

The Palestinian people are suffering horrors.

Bertolt Brecht said: "They call the violent rushing river, but the banks that no one calls them violent squeeze"
who could not react to this great oppression? The Palestinians are living without food, without any right to come and go without work crammed into a strip that looks more like a big slum. Yes, there are old hatreds, but they react so that peace can not exist without the Justice. The Israeli government promotes
geometrically absurdity of carnage on a less powerful people. But he does it because he has the back of the United States and has broken the silence of the Arab countries.

The press of the world is forbidden to enter the Gaza Strip. When Israel forbids the world press to witness what is happening there, everything is very suspect. It will be the ultimate objective would be to do an ethnic cleansing, a people who see themselves free of hate, without being denounced by the free world?

Because I'm the leader of a Christian community, I do shudder with the evangelicals who once again support the simple reading of the Bible that they always did. In order to remain consistent, they bear a professional army in a massacre unprecedented. I am ashamed of believers! I have already received e-mails of people celebrating the bombs as a sign of Christ's return (of course elected by Divine), along with exclamations of "Hallelujah," also accompanied by the most vile cliché: "God is in control!" I
I know all the arguments, I'm not naive. Advance explanations that justify a people to slaughter each other. The deaths of the mass graves, the ones that clutter the story, they were buried with such explanations. To me, an argument, just the topic of Jesus Christ: "Ye have heard that he was told: You shall love your neighbor, and hate your enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for those who do wrong, and persecute you. "- Mt.5.43, 44).
Violence only adds anger to hatred to create more death. No, I do not approve of the Palestinian rockets, and I do not agree with terrorism (religious or state). I do not want to pretend not to see the Islamic fundamentalist anger that seeks to throw Israel in the middle of the sea. Someone must still break the vicious cycle of revenge. I suggest that the stronger the start. Only that!

Soli Deo Gloria.

From: Ricardo Gondim
http://www.ricardogondim. com.br /

Saturday, January 10, 2009

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Nessuna killing is legitimate.

Acts of justice are precious in the eyes of the Lord. The idea that man was created in His image and likeness was interpreted not as an analogy of being, but as an analogy of doing. Man is called to act in the likeness of God "Be merciful as He is merciful."
The meaning of being created in God's image is hidden in an enigma. But perhaps we can assume that the intention was that men were the witnesses of God, his symbol. When we looked at the man, we should feel his presence. But instead of living as a witness, the man was an impostor, instead of being a symbol, He became an idol. In presumption angry, he developed a false sense of sovereignty that fills the world with terror.
We are proud of the wonders of our technological civilization. But our pride can lead to our ultimate humiliation. The pride in maintaining that "my might, and the strength of my hand I purchased these assets." (Deuteronomy 8.17), will lead us to say "our god" to the work of our hands (Hosea 14.4).
fear when we think that our civilization is an evil force that tries to take revenge on God
After the man ate the forbidden fruit, the Lord of Heaven expelled to cultivate the land which was extracted. But what did the man who is sweeter than any other creation of God? Undertook the construction of a paradise through their own power and that Paradise is expelling God. During many generations, things seemed to feel good. But now we discovered that our paradise is built on a volcano, you may come to be a huge field of human extermination.
This is the time to cry is a human being and shameful. We remain obliged if you give us religious people over the failure of religion to maintain the screw as the image of God before man. Let's see what is written on the wall, but we are too illiterate to understand what it means. There are no easy solutions to serious problems: all we can honestly preach a theology of despair. We halted God in our times and our slogan , and now the word of God is dying in our lips.
We have ceased to be symbols. There is darkness in the east and west presumption. And the night? And the night?
What is History? Wars, victories, and wars. Many dead. Many injuries, tears. A little resentment. Many fears.
And who could judge the victims of cruelty in the horror becomes hatred? It will be that easy to prevent the horror of captivity turns into hatred against the wicked? The world is bathed in blood and guilt is endless.
It is not lost all hope?
What saved the prophets of despair was their messianic vision and the idea of \u200b\u200bman's capacity to be sorry, what influenced their understanding of history.
History is not a dead end, and the fault is not an abyss. There is always a way by which you can leave the blame: the regret and return to God's prophet is a person who, while living in despair, has the power to transcend it. Above the dark circles of experience watching a different day.
Egypt and Assyria realized bloody wars. Being hated one another, both are enemies of Israel. Their idolatry are abominable and their terrible crimes. How do you feel Isaiah, the son of a people who appreciate the right to be called "my people" from the Lord and the "work of his hands" (Isaías 60.21), in referring to Egypt and Assyria?
In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria; el'Assiro will be in Egypt, el'Egizio in Assyria with the Assyrians and the Egyptians will serve the Lord. In that day Israel will be the third with the Egyptian and the Assyrian, and there will be a blessing in the midst of the earth. For the Lord of Hosts will bless them, saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria, the work of my hands, and Israel my inheritance. Isaías 19.23-25.
Our God is the God of our enemies, not that they know him and despite defying . The enmity between the nations will become friendship. They will live together when the three are equally God's chosen people of God
(Before you criticize esplicizzati thoughts above, I recommend caution. The lack of quotation marks ("") is intentional. Not a word of what I wrote came from my pen. I copied all of Abraham Joshua Heschel, one of the most revered rabbis XXmo century, and one of Judaism's most important philosophers of the time).

Soli Deo Gloria.

From: Ricardo Gondim.