Dear friends! Someone accuses me that I was deflated, no one here really do not deflate because personally I have never blown up! This blog and the few problems it had faced and have as their sole purpose is to encourage people to speak freely, to discuss and share ideas in a simple and effective. Someone asked me to write more or perhaps even better or more serious problems ... but this is not a competition to see who is "writing" (or copy and paste) the better. You do not deal with specific problems and complex issues simple, but homegrown, speeches from the square, seemingly trivial issues, flaws and weaknesses of the people as well as everything becomes a source of pride for sampietresi all of us. Not a virtual opposition, but a virtual piazza S. Francis. My aim is not political but social. The work of those in government, as a good citizen, I am interested and we would follow but my eye is always critical, my eyes are always turned down, see that the little things to make it big, bottom-to aim high, partly by poverty to seek the wealth ... But I strive to make these little utopias rolling up your sleeves, get dirty, humiliating and become a source of criticism, hatred and resentment, maybe even disappointing someone and wondering, but proud and proud to say "I did not only in words but with the facts " .
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Old Penthouse Forum Archives
Mi capita spesso di sognare, di volare con la mente, tornare indietro nel tempo e immaginare una San Pier Niceto di inizio novecento. Guardando delle vecchie foto che immortalano momenti di vita quotidiana paesana è come se le persone ivi impresse prendessero vita; mi sembra di sentire le voci, gli urli, gli schiamazzi di bambini , donne e anziani che numerosi popolavano il nostro paese. Li immagino nei campi, impegnati nei loro faticosi mestieri, e ancora nelle chiese, nelle piazze intenti a vivere e condividere momenti di idilliaca serenità e spensieratezza. Una comunità insomma completa ed attiva, dove ogni singolo era parte integrante della collettività.
Mi sveglio però and I find myself catapulted into a different reality, I seem to be in a theater where those who should be the protagonists of the scene become viewers, art critics, journalists, reporters from a show without title, without plot and especially private actors. Covering the recent photos of moments of community life, I try to find them in dynamic, action and desire ... ! Want to do, to act, to be directors and actors of our own film. So many noble ideas and proposals are being presented in these recently patronized our local websites. Questions and these questions help us for sure, that stimulate curiosity, which give us the impluse, the drive, courage and desire to ...
The desire, however, must be transformed into commitment, we should bother, we should be sweating to make and build! We therefore
so that the stage is our people, we give a title to our dream and commit to putting on a show worthy of our ideas and our intelligence, which is not measured by the "words" but the "facts"! !
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Costco Sheet Cake Price 2011
LINDA e. .. San Pier Niceto
On the occasion of the festivities in honor of the patron saint of "St. Peter, St. Peter Niceto Friday June 29 will host the famous singer" LINDA , "notes the levers for being ranked third in the youth 2004 Festival of Sanremo with the song "Air, sun, earth and sea" and for taking part in 2005 Music Farm, the reality show dedicated entirely to music Rai Due.
For more information on the biography, discography and much more about the singer you can visit the official website

For more information on the biography, discography and much more about the singer you can visit the official website
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Lara Escort San Diego
servile ITALY
Paraphrasing Dante desperate rant, Sylos Labini in his book, said:
" speech and 'painful, but it seems fair to do so, since I thought a lot about that question and all of us. Why have we fallen so low? Not for pride or for the presumption, but "social desperation" I turn to my fellow citizens to urge them to do a ruthless critical examination of social conscience without any consolatory formula. E 'to exit the premise abyss. "My dear fellow citizens
sampietresi all, we have fallen far too low!
The purpose of this blog was to give voice to all without discrimination, regardless of their political from opinion and prejudice that characterize each individual citizen; anonymity in this sense it was the highest rating, because everyone could be free to express their thoughts and new ideas, not as a person X son of Y, but as a member of a community! But St. Peter
Niceto obviously not ready for this! It must at all costs and to force us to understand who is under, who are the pilots, what is the political color that distinguishes them in order to categorize them, and then denigrate ghetto, because it must necessarily exist clearly opposed ideologies, it must be form the "pack".
There is no dialogue, there is no sharing, there is no sense of community!
On the one hand there are those of the other ones of . How sad!
's sad because that's what happens every day in our country and that is the basis of its lack of development and growth.
Ben is the outburst of ideas and criticism but constructive criticism is shared with everyone, no matter if one or another site, and through each and every one in particular bears fruit and the seed will not remain in a wasteland surrounded by thorns and brambles caught the crows!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Answers To Financial Accounting 5th Edition

Angels, the choicest creatures in the sight of God, in their beauty and splendor were the theme of this year's X edition of the famous "Flower Festival sampietresi.
This year the country was involved in an extraordinary event that was attended by thousands of people from all parts of the province of Sicily and Italy with their presence have enhanced and paid tribute to creativity, art and work of all the people who knew how to embellish sampietresi the streets, alleys and squares with superb floral carpets and soft and sweet angelic images. The reason that leads to children, young and old to committed to the success of this event is definitely best and only due to the historical roots of this event was born from an ancient local tradition of sprinkling the streets with flower petals and rosemary in the feast, and then the procession of Corpus Christi, which explains why, otherwise unjustifiable, a commitment of hours and a considerable financial expenditure for the implementation and completion of the event, designed to last just those few hours in which the priest with his hand in "Jesus in the Eucharist" through the colorful and fragrant streets of the town.
this great desire to praise God, relieve exhaustion and certainly mask the difficulties and to allow our country to emerge and be known and appreciated!
Congratulations to all and therefore MAIORA!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
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Country Club Government
A candle
It 's very important to light a small candle than to curse the darkness. Maybe some time we in this space to think we left a little' give up the temptation of complaint pure and simple. It is this easy to adopt an attitude which is why it is so common: politics is corrupt, society is adrift, religion is in crisis, crimes multiply, stupidity is rampant and so via a long and relentless litany of lamentations. Well, without sin of naivete and indifference, you should always choose a different behavior. This is what is proposed already five centuries before Christ, in his Dialogues the famous Chinese teacher Confucius her with this aphorism: if you are in darkness, that most of a candle instead of a thousand fiery protests against the darkness. The lamentation is usually sterile the excuse of the lazy who claim to be freed from their troubles but do not move a finger to start their own to respond. The complaints endless, wordy dissent, the complaint permanent hide inertia and a weakness of spirit and are certainly not a sign of noble indignation but cowardly acquiescence. Here, then, the need to turn even a spark of light and lay a seed in the soil of history. The sea is made of an immense number of drops and is the only way that reveals its greatness. It is also good (and, paradoxically, also for evil) by dint of removing drops dries the bed of justice, honesty and love. Let us not merely to disapprove, let's move to transform and enlighten the world.

After the elections of 13 and 14 May which saw the victory of one candidate for mayor Dr. Franco Pitra, last Wednesday, May 30th during public council was presented by the new mayor's team will support the government in administering the country. A lot of people there, including young people, who witnessed the setting up of elected councilors and elections for the presidency of the council, the lawyer assigned to Anthony Amato and the vice presidency given to Dominic Nastasi. Also appointed the commissioners with their proxies. John Nunziata A delegation responsible for sport, tourism, entertainment and youth policies in the nettenza urban Piero Delia, litigation, and cultural and HERITAGE Biagio Nastasi delegation to roads, water supply, trade and crafts. The deputy mayor is touched instead of Henry Gangemi, which has been assigned to the delegation of social services, sanitation and healthcare.
the applause of the audience as the new administrative machinery has started and the spokesman of the thought of all the people sampietresi believe that the best hope is to see this "machine" always moving, always on and working to produce concrete and positive results.
conclude by bringing the message that a significant representative of the people in the person of cav. Pino Ruggeri, he wanted to hand to wish the new administration.
It is a valuable article, signed by the biblical scholar Gianfranco Ravasi, the contents of which helps to reflect on the right path to follow.
It is a valuable article, signed by the biblical scholar Gianfranco Ravasi, the contents of which helps to reflect on the right path to follow.
A candle
It 's very important to light a small candle than to curse the darkness. Maybe some time we in this space to think we left a little' give up the temptation of complaint pure and simple. It is this easy to adopt an attitude which is why it is so common: politics is corrupt, society is adrift, religion is in crisis, crimes multiply, stupidity is rampant and so via a long and relentless litany of lamentations. Well, without sin of naivete and indifference, you should always choose a different behavior. This is what is proposed already five centuries before Christ, in his Dialogues the famous Chinese teacher Confucius her with this aphorism: if you are in darkness, that most of a candle instead of a thousand fiery protests against the darkness. The lamentation is usually sterile the excuse of the lazy who claim to be freed from their troubles but do not move a finger to start their own to respond. The complaints endless, wordy dissent, the complaint permanent hide inertia and a weakness of spirit and are certainly not a sign of noble indignation but cowardly acquiescence. Here, then, the need to turn even a spark of light and lay a seed in the soil of history. The sea is made of an immense number of drops and is the only way that reveals its greatness. It is also good (and, paradoxically, also for evil) by dint of removing drops dries the bed of justice, honesty and love. Let us not merely to disapprove, let's move to transform and enlighten the world.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Knee Brace With Open Hole
Culture? ... I do not DIRI components!
Culture, culture, culture! Often echoed in our country, this heartfelt invitation to us insistently proposed in the form seemingly trivial, a famous fellow
careful and critical observer of homegrown problems. Its seems strange to say, however, curious, and does not seem inappropriate glosses, so much so that the same in one of his jokes goes on to say ... I do not DIRI components!
's sad to note that the country is often faced with opportunities, debates, demonstrations with socio-cultural background to respond with passivity, coldness and apathy.
More than a week after this site, so much discussed and studied, I noted with some bitterness that, unfortunately, as always, it is clear that one aspect contaddistingue our environment and even worse, our generation that is more a lack of interest total to everything that could lead to personal growth and then the whole community. E 'is the custom, for some years now, during election campaigns, use their imagination and their own ingenuity to succeed in their programs to include a thorough and detailed list of initiatives that would important to take on a cultural level. Many were also the concrete steps taken and those which are praiseworthy in the field and who want to achieve, but I wonder and I ask you: What are the initiatives of its kind in a country with deaf culture, where the maximum number of participants conferences, exhibitions, classical concerts is ten or twenty people? What will serve as an auditorium, what a library What is to organize events and shows, when someone dares to define the infiorata a waste of money and unable to reach a (great car) your home?
I wish that all these questions we got a little bit and think it would be nice if everyone would give an answer, and through a concrete commitment that we see all united and strongly committed to building a socially and culturally San Pier Niceto better!
careful and critical observer of homegrown problems. Its seems strange to say, however, curious, and does not seem inappropriate glosses, so much so that the same in one of his jokes goes on to say ... I do not DIRI components!
's sad to note that the country is often faced with opportunities, debates, demonstrations with socio-cultural background to respond with passivity, coldness and apathy.
More than a week after this site, so much discussed and studied, I noted with some bitterness that, unfortunately, as always, it is clear that one aspect contaddistingue our environment and even worse, our generation that is more a lack of interest total to everything that could lead to personal growth and then the whole community. E 'is the custom, for some years now, during election campaigns, use their imagination and their own ingenuity to succeed in their programs to include a thorough and detailed list of initiatives that would important to take on a cultural level. Many were also the concrete steps taken and those which are praiseworthy in the field and who want to achieve, but I wonder and I ask you: What are the initiatives of its kind in a country with deaf culture, where the maximum number of participants conferences, exhibitions, classical concerts is ten or twenty people? What will serve as an auditorium, what a library What is to organize events and shows, when someone dares to define the infiorata a waste of money and unable to reach a (great car) your home?
I wish that all these questions we got a little bit and think it would be nice if everyone would give an answer, and through a concrete commitment that we see all united and strongly committed to building a socially and culturally San Pier Niceto better!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Spray Painting Metal Bed
The idea that led us a few days ago to start this blog was to allow everyone to share their ideas confronting others, and especially with those who think differently! The objective was to arouse interest in everyone and love for their country, so that the latter through the ideological and cultural growth of its individual components, could be projected in a better tomorrow. The country grows only grow if its members! The essential premise, however, must be a healthy dialogue that will fall into the baseness of insults and personal hatreds. Someone rightly commented utters this legitimate observation in the light of comments made recently "canonical" that you have and which certainly clouded the principle ispiratorio.
I was forced, therefore, to remove certain comments which offended some people directly and henceforth follow this method because it is not through insults that will improve!
PS carry information purposes as expressed by the court in Aosta on the responsibilities of bloggers.
criminal responsibility. is always a "personal", so everyone is personally responsible for what he writes. Even if the blog is the collective response of a single author's own writings, not the Web community to which it belongs. No need to specify it in proper legal notice. This also applies to comments made by third parties, even though processed anonymously because the Criminal responsibility is, in fact, personal and can not be directly pursued the owner of a blog to a comment posted by a visitor: the Postal Police can trace the sender by means of (complex) investigations. The owner of the blog where the comment will be added, if anything, in charge of negligence for failing to control or removal of the comment (but this aspect see below).
liability for negligence. In the case of collective post on blogs or comments that infringe rights of third parties or image and dignity, the blog owner is not personally responsible for the script / detrimental to comment as we said in the previous paragraph but it can be judged by the lack of control (negligence) and / or failure to remove this text. For example, if a blogger you find a comment offensive (against anyone) on their web sites, is required to remove it promptly to limit the damage of others. In that sense, and not for the specific criminal responsibility of writing offensive may be initiated legal action against the owner of the weblog.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
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From Matins
April 10, 2007
God has willed that man's gaze was the only thing you can not hide. I kept as a bookmark, it is a greeting card Easter rather than "secular" I received a week already. There is a nice picture of a child whose eyes staring at you so surprised and questioning, while leaving a small chocolate egg. Underneath is the phrase that I mentioned and which is said to be based on the novel Paul Jones (unknown to me) the famous French author of the Count of Monte Cristo, Alexandre Dumas or father. You can not, however, deny that intuition, simple and obvious, both significant and important. The look is indeed a powerful means of communication, so much so that his soul was speaking to Michael that "looks out across the eyes." Not for nothing lovers, exhausted the repertoire words, look at each other in silence and this is perhaps the most successful language intenso.Ugualmente the highest level of prayer and spirituality is contemplation. However, there is also a more immediate in the words of Dumas. With the look you are most vulnerable and sincere, are called emotions and inner truth that would conceal the words and even contradict. People used to meet people and listen to realize that some fail to look long in the eyes, or you see that sometimes their eyes is spanned by a flash that says a lot more of their sentences, or that their eyes become suspicious. This is why it is customary to say Executioner does not look in the eyes of its victims, because you can forget a face but do not look terrified or a load of hate. We find, then, this ability to speak with their eyes and recognize the language of glances, in a genuine dialogue and deep.

April 10, 2007
God has willed that man's gaze was the only thing you can not hide. I kept as a bookmark, it is a greeting card Easter rather than "secular" I received a week already. There is a nice picture of a child whose eyes staring at you so surprised and questioning, while leaving a small chocolate egg. Underneath is the phrase that I mentioned and which is said to be based on the novel Paul Jones (unknown to me) the famous French author of the Count of Monte Cristo, Alexandre Dumas or father. You can not, however, deny that intuition, simple and obvious, both significant and important. The look is indeed a powerful means of communication, so much so that his soul was speaking to Michael that "looks out across the eyes." Not for nothing lovers, exhausted the repertoire words, look at each other in silence and this is perhaps the most successful language intenso.Ugualmente the highest level of prayer and spirituality is contemplation. However, there is also a more immediate in the words of Dumas. With the look you are most vulnerable and sincere, are called emotions and inner truth that would conceal the words and even contradict. People used to meet people and listen to realize that some fail to look long in the eyes, or you see that sometimes their eyes is spanned by a flash that says a lot more of their sentences, or that their eyes become suspicious. This is why it is customary to say Executioner does not look in the eyes of its victims, because you can forget a face but do not look terrified or a load of hate. We find, then, this ability to speak with their eyes and recognize the language of glances, in a genuine dialogue and deep.
I wanted to bring this article from the newspaper "Future" by Gianfranco Ravasi, because I think it is a topic very interesting and exciting!
it definitely is for us young people but it is also, and above all I would say, for older people whose eyes are often crossed by hatred, resentment and envy.
so we learn to look with each other! Let
with eyes-free, sincere, and profound as this mother and her child in the picture!
Monday, May 21, 2007
How Does Ringworm Heal
political satire
Someone asked us to comment in any blog post on the much-discussed and well-known poems of political satire, which run for days in the country!
As we stated in the presentation of the blog, this tool aims to be a democratic space of confrontation, where everyone can express their ideas!

As we stated in the presentation of the blog, this tool aims to be a democratic space of confrontation, where everyone can express their ideas!
Someone always in a comment, wrote poetry, even poetry (I see that the poetic dialect is very popular and satirical) urging them not to eliminate them. We do not we do and we hope that the aim is really what the anonymous exposed!
Personally I think these should be read rhyming slang really satirical sense and not as an injury. To this end I would like to recall the definition of "satire" and its ancient origins.
Satire (Latin saturated Lanx, name of a dish and mixed color) is a form of absolute freedom and theater, a genre of literature, arts and other critics characterized by attention to social life, with the intention of highlight the paradoxical aspects and ethical mock the absurdities and contradictions. The origins of satire in European literature is obviously confused with those of comic literature, the beginning of which is traditionally attributed to Homer's poem with Margie. The Greek comedy of Aristophanes' political satire is a key ingredient. But the real coding as a literary genre, which is also the result of a parallel evolution Italic, occurs in Latin literature. The satire is born between the third and second century BC by Ennio, and can be considered the first kind of original Latin literature, unlike all the others who were of Greek origin.
Satire historically and culturally responds to a need of the human spirit: the oscillation between the sacred and the profane. The satire is always involved in discussions, mainly politics, religion, sex and death, and offers views on these alternative, and through laughter conveys small truth, sowing doubts, exposes hypocrisies, prejudices and attacks calls into question beliefs. It is expressed in a common area of \u200b\u200b"borderline", it generally has an ethical content normally attributed to the author, but begs and gets generally shareability general, appealing to popular inclinations, and for this they are often the subject of privileged characters public life in positions of power.
These same characteristics have been highlighted by the First Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court that the 9246 ruling of 2006, he felt compelled to give a legal definition of what constitutes for satire
" is the manifestation of thought at times of very high level in the time he took on the task of 'punish laughing mores' , or to indicate the public about questionable or reprehensible aspects of people, in order to obtain caused by the rice, a final outcome of the ethical, that is, towards the good corrective. "
Satire historically and culturally responds to a need of the human spirit: the oscillation between the sacred and the profane. The satire is always involved in discussions, mainly politics, religion, sex and death, and offers views on these alternative, and through laughter conveys small truth, sowing doubts, exposes hypocrisies, prejudices and attacks calls into question beliefs. It is expressed in a common area of \u200b\u200b"borderline", it generally has an ethical content normally attributed to the author, but begs and gets generally shareability general, appealing to popular inclinations, and for this they are often the subject of privileged characters public life in positions of power.
These same characteristics have been highlighted by the First Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court that the 9246 ruling of 2006, he felt compelled to give a legal definition of what constitutes for satire
" is the manifestation of thought at times of very high level in the time he took on the task of 'punish laughing mores' , or to indicate the public about questionable or reprehensible aspects of people, in order to obtain caused by the rice, a final outcome of the ethical, that is, towards the good corrective. "
Saturday, May 19, 2007
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traveling exhibition on San Francesco di Paola
inaugurated today at 17 at the premises of the Church of S. Antonio, the exhibition on S. Francesco di Paola, which this year marks the fifth centenary of the death. The exhibition, titled "On the way to St. Francis " through examples painting, sculpture, photos, documents and iconography on the life and popular devotion, is to witness the sincere deference of the people of Messina, as well as the people sampietresi in respect of this great saint who walked on and blessed these places with his time and with his work.

The exhibition will be open all day tomorrow, Sunday, May 20, 2007!
Maxine Clipart Free & Birthday
no "illusions" but "reality" Call for comments
Dear anonymous! Contrary to what I believe are truly "One of the many "! We are one of many young people of this "village" that, contrary to what you say anonymous, no way slices of salami before the eyes! There I see, I'll see you very well indeed! In one of my premises had already indicated that it is not a site with political affiliation! Our anonymity is a "precautionary anonymity" because, unfortunately, those who are open or detached sharply, especially among our young people, or is killed or is afraid in ways that only know of cowardice and ignorance! If you are a this country should know it! As for "the promise" I do not think any of us would sell! Often when dealing with such discussions is as if we are disconnected from reality! In our language we often say: "u quannu surici arruari little or no fummaggiu fetuses who say"! And because we all know the job situation prevailing in our region and our province and our country! For me it is not to say that you deceived by the hope of a "place" because often it is not " illusion" but " reality"!
then go down with your feet on the ground and fly through the clouds!
then go down with your feet on the ground and fly through the clouds!
Friday, May 18, 2007
Lorena Herera Imagenes
I would like to invite those who visit this blog to leave a comment!
Unlike other blog of our citizens also accept different ideas and conflicting, as well as news and cuoriosità of any kind!
Unlike other blog of our citizens also accept different ideas and conflicting, as well as news and cuoriosità of any kind!
Bulma Leek The Tip Of Vegeta
of 13 and 14 May
Taking out that this is not a political blog, but it is only right to inform readers of the results of local elections on 13 and 14 May, which saw 2,119 residents of this small country engaged in the selection of its chief political!
With a gap of no less than two hundred twenty-five votes against challenger Louis Calderon, won the No. 2 candidate on the list "List Gallo" commitment to San Pier Niceto, Franco Pitrone. This result is due, as stated by the neosindaco of recognition on the part of voters for the work and efforts made by the outgoing junta!
have figured this out in many and we realized we young, we recognize that right from wrong, truth from falsehood, the serious from the less serious!
Young may not know .... they said in a leaflet on the campaign trail! To answer these
people, as I mentioned in an article published on another blog, does not respond with shouting and cheering in a stadium that served as background to some rallies! People do not scream, do not cry!
!!!... People write and does so in the silence of the urn!
The results do the rest!
With a gap of no less than two hundred twenty-five votes against challenger Louis Calderon, won the No. 2 candidate on the list "List Gallo" commitment to San Pier Niceto, Franco Pitrone. This result is due, as stated by the neosindaco of recognition on the part of voters for the work and efforts made by the outgoing junta!
have figured this out in many and we realized we young, we recognize that right from wrong, truth from falsehood, the serious from the less serious!
Young may not know .... they said in a leaflet on the campaign trail! To answer these
people, as I mentioned in an article published on another blog, does not respond with shouting and cheering in a stadium that served as background to some rallies! People do not scream, do not cry!
!!!... People write and does so in the silence of the urn!
The results do the rest!
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