Thursday, July 31, 2008

Wwe Trish Stratus Forced To Strip

Smokers Welcome back ...

...nella città dolente...
Me ne ero già accorto martedì sera sul raccordo, oggi la conferma.
Tangenziale, bloccata, ma oggi non ho orario di lavoro perchè faccio una sostituzione, quindi sono io l'orario di lavoro.
C'è un gran bel botto, con vigili, but the tail is short, between prenestina and go back to fifth, then 20 minutes are in place ...
It 's a quiet crew, we do not work themselves to death, I head straight and look comfortable that I will solve the problems ... in less than ten minutes I will be operating ... And immediately the individual
licks ass, according to greet those who can, and always laughing, according to the degree ... Two
known Neapolitan actors enact a theater before turning around as everyone laughs at stupid jokes that smell Toto, all but one of me ...
And obviously aware of it ... it comes and tells me a production
" Ao but ssi tte rode er culo nun ce venì a lavorà "
Mi stava alle spalle, mi giro...lo guardo un attimo senza dire nulla, poi gli sorrido, poraccio ...
Il tipo se ne va, ovviamente non c'era nulla da aggiungere...intanto penso che meno di 48 ore ero in acque sarde ad ammirare il culo di una pornostar...con annesse birre a scatafascio ...
La tangenziale al ritorno è morbida morbida, da 50 all'ora, sulla nomentana il panico...suonano tutti, tutti pronti ad ammazzarsi per guadagnare 2 metri...ok, penso, va bene, lo stronzo lo so fare anch 'io...e lo so fare meglio di voi...
Sono a casa in 15 minuti.
Accendo il pc per vedere con Google Earth dove lavorerò domani...via della magliana , 40 km...bene, la cosa mi scuote un po' e quindi mi spoglio, vado in cucina, apro il frigo e stappo una birra, mi metto in balcone a fumare in mutande, c'è sole, sudo molto e la birra mi da una mano, sorseggio abbondante, fumo e mi gratto l'uccello in mutande...e la cosa mi piace, sono a casa mia e se qualcuno ha qualche problema è pregato di tirare giù le serrande, adoro grattarmi le palle in balcone, specialmente quando vedo coppie inorridite che rientrano in casa dopo avermi visto...
Tiro dalla sigaretta fino ad incendiare il mozzicone...godo, si....
Credo che posterò a riguardo ... smoke while writing these bullshit ...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Does Semen Stink Like Milk?


Abstract: what does non-critical Greenpeace , but as ...
There are many movies that run on the Web and in TV note peace organization which has now been active for almost 40 years ... and is also very nice to see how these good people are looking for, rather than hope for a better future , at least to save this ...
But sometimes exaggerate.
Well, when I see footage of a panda eats roots sitting blissfully fucking people who is desperate because were few, so I have to laugh.
But you want to put an end to break the fucking panda? They're dying so what? Evolution, things are as they should go, if we were at the time of the dinosaurs were doing? Save the rex?
What if they're happy to be there cocks and here come his co naturalists brought her to save the species is endangered, but fuck him he will not? They were in two, one male and one female ... not fucking, then enough!
No, there appears the young women who cleaned her nails, that make the shampoo, which give carrots were not even Bugs Bunny ... And then I apologize
rifiuto di aiutare 2 bestie che rischiano l'estinzione perchè si rifiutano di chiavare...E' finito il comunismo, possono finire anche i panda.
Ma mettiamoci per un attimo nei loro panni.
Sono un uomo in un mondo alieno, con me c'è una donna...
Lo capisco da solo che siamo rimasti in due, ma la tipa è un cesso di donna con l'alito da scimmia, quindi preferisco ammazzarmi di pippe ...
Gli alieni arrivano da me e incominciano a pulirmi il culo, mi gireranno le palle?
Certo che mi gireranno, oltre tutto la sfiga di avere un cesso come ultima donna, non me la chiavo neanche se mi pagano...e così i panda.
Magari quello ha chiavato per una vita tutte panda fighe, ora è rimasta la panda che sembra un orso e lui se la dovrebbe montare? Ma de che, sono d'accordo anche io col panda uomo, w l'estinzione dei panda! E che cazzo.
Ma ieri il culmine...
Su Real-TV hanno fatto vedere un filmato che ripropongo da Utube ...

Alcuni uomini della Greenpeace cercano di fermare un transatlantico di proporzioni imbarazzanti...con un gommone.
Eh no, qua mi fate veramente incazzare, e come se non bastasse come unica "arma", ovviamente, avevano uno spruzzino d'acqua...
Queste smielate pacifiste mi fanno andare veramente in cappella, neanche I approve of the killing of whales, and the Chinese are also on my dick when you eat raw cod, but you can not stop that ship with a boat, you fucking laugh ...
With that flag was missing was a flag, but a piece of sheet written on Greenpeace with marker, come on ...
see them before you bring with that while there is a Chinese boat with a harpoon and shoot gigantic laugh even thinking "look st 'fools if they think de is to host"
Result: 0, what they did is comparable to 0, zero, nothing, as if nothing had ever happened, they have continued to kill whales, only with a delay of 10 minutes. It
because after 2 strolls on the boat had to turn back because had no more fuel ... but how are you ao , but if c'avete na lira left lose, you're ridiculous.
power is being fought with more power, and power you get with the money.
remember a piece of "The Untouchables"
"Want to go to war with Al Capone?" I'll tell you how to make war with Al Capone: he has the gun? You the gun, he kills one of yours? you send him 5 of his to the morgue, so he makes war. "
So dear Greenpeace , because as I say I agree on everything, but I do not agree how, I will do a better straight. Operation Whale

necessary ingredient

- A mignottone (handsome)
- Bebbo

here's how

Step 1 Find a good mignottone surrenders to "tissue "and crap like that, get them to the project saves the whales (I know it is the hardest part, but this is made all downhill) and send it to make the blowjob parliament. To speed up the final step to bring to the board hooker a sign that says "eat their fill as cocks were nachos "
Small clause: because the hooker is at the discretion of the beneficiary it can also be a man if is the beneficiary to ask, in that case obtain the full of hookers and repeat Step 1. Step2 Determine

fixed fee performance and any discounts or promotions 3x2.
Choose your payment method of transfer, Paypal or cash (depends on the costs Committee )
discourage checks ... If you have been closely following the Step 1 and Step 2 the whore s finished.
With the money made to go into armory and buy a rocket launcher
fetch Bebbo , buy a megaphone, a custom black flag.
Provide for a helicopter (if you have worked well in Step 1 is included in the price, otherwise repeat Step 1 to the wheel, then change the sign "I eat cocks as if they were to repeat nachos )
Go to top the Chinese ship. At that point we think Bebbo , which comes with the megaphone ...
"Hello yellow asses are Bebbo and this morning I gnawed il culo."
I cinesi guarderanno in alto e vedranno un tipo sporgersi da un elicottero
"Mi dispiace ma non posso avvertirvi che vi sparerò alla prossima balena infilzata, perchè già ne avete infilzate una cifra, quindi morirete"
Verranno lanciati missili contro la nave cinese che, inevitabilmente, affonderà. ( GTA insegna)
I cinesi che si salveranno rimarranno nelle acque gelide a nuotare sperando in un aiuto di qualcuno (che non verrà), ma non prima di aver letto la bandiera di Bebbo :
"Ora sparate su sta fava" (troveremo il modo di tradurlo per renderlo comprensibile)

Ripetere tutti i passi per quante navi si vogliono affondare, non preoccupatevi di Bebbo , lavora no profit , basta un pacchetto di sigarette come parcella.

Non abbiate paura cara Greenpeace di contattarmi, vi aiuterò quando lo vorrete, ma solo con i miei metodi, e state tranquilli, si sono fatte guerre per la religione, per il petrolio, per i soldi...ora le facciamo per le balene...
E se quel panda ancora non vuole chiavare non rompetegli più i coglioni, sarà libero o no di scegliere chi ingropparsi...

Monday, July 14, 2008

Pink Discharge From Brazilian Wax


Mi sveglio. Sono in una bara. Ah, sono morto.
Vabbè , vediamo a little 'How much is the real story.
I leave the coffin. There's a dick. But if
Funari became supply of cigarettes and a remote control, I have fitted with a carton of cigarette lighters with a beer (you never know) and the keys of my bike.
E 'dark enough here, needless to say that light is the pay. Mmm, I know I'm in hell, oh well , was to be expected. Ok, Dov 'is Lucifer's cock, I want to know too. There is none.
scream like crazy but no one answers.
Then in the corner I parked my bike, I knew that I would follow.
And I find little more down? A distributor Shell. Wow, here is making it big, just a different world!
There is a type that sits at the pump.
I go running and my car.
"beautiful" I say
"beautiful," he says
"with full"
It is full, look at me and smiles.
"Look, I know that I have no money, indeed, if you do I have to say ... but dev 'to be a secret eh ... the other day, the day before you die, knowing that would happen what happened, I could not resist the temptation ... "
"What temptation ..." I asked curiously
"Well, you know not, indeed I will not be mica was the only ..."
"But of that ..."
"I bought a house!"
I say "Oh good shit! While we were you could wait a little 'no?"
"No, but you know ... I wanted to leave the funny."
She looks at me incredulously for a moment, then says
"Kill that bastard ...!"
"Yeah ... but I thought of everything eh, my brother is in Cuba, are with the dick, no children or relatives are still alive ... But come on, should not be a problem, and then I have a trust 1000 € "
" And how much did you paid for the house? "
"12 million!"
"Kill, and that you bought six ..."
"A penthouse at the English Steps .... You do not know what I've got due paper work ... did not pass, then I gave him a check, have accepted it because was an acquaintance, only to stop, I told him that I reviewed with a circular will stand still for aspects ... "The type
remained staring
" Okay, so you understand, I can not pay you, but if I want a pack of cigarettes ... what has come to the station? "
" But no, it's all here free, do not worry "
" Free? But really? But then this is not hell ... "
" No, here are not anywhere, you have to go to the front desk, sign the acceptance form, take the application form and go to interview there and then decide where you go "
" Holy shit, files or ... well here, then hello, as soon as I finish the full review, it's free ... my mom put me in Shall have departed like crazy "
Check with the concierge and compile everything, I put myself in a corner to smoke at some point ... Then I see the tunnel, full of light.
What amended, kill then do not tell bullshit
... "It 's your turn," he says goalkeeper
"Yes please" I go running and I turn
"But where it goes, you can not go in motion, it is forbidden, you are a soul in sight, it stop! "
" I do not give a fuck! "and childbirth.
The tunnel it's nice long, straight on, a bit 'boring, then I open, I get to 240 ... "
... ...

Meanwhile, further up," Lord, here comes a new soul "
" His name? "
"But who? Bebbo ?? "
" Yes sir, it will be here soon, is going up on a motorcycle ... "
" Noooo, tell him no, tell him ... invented something, you receive it ... "
" But, sir, is you must ...."
" Ciaoooooo ....."

Arrival, there is a large square, brightly lit. I turn off and go downstairs.
I see a skinny little chap dressed all in white, bald ... I look a bit 'timid.
Mi avvicino e lo osservo...
"No...non mi dire che sei tu...non può essere...ti facevo un po' più grosso sai? Con la barba, insomma una presenza imponente...E poi sei calvo, cioè, non te regoli..."
"Io sono un umile servitore" mi risponde
"Ah, beh dicevo io...Comunque, che devo fa ?"
"Il Signore è un attimo occupato ma arriverà a momenti, intanto se vuole può pregare con me"
"No non voglio, anzi, visto che devo aspettare mi dici dov 'è il distributore più vicino che ho viaggiato a manetta e sto in riserva? Ah, già che ci sei, un tabaccaio?"
"Ma lei ha una minima idea di dove si trova?"
Il tipo non fa have time to finish speaking when I hear a voice from behind ...
"Dear ... I was waiting, I was in the bathroom ..."
A truly great man, handsome, dressed in jeans and T-shirt, flip flops, brown hair and sideburns, about 1 meter and 90, weigh around 100 kg .
I watch charmed ...
"But you are ... God?"
"Yes, it's me ... uh, there you'll excuse me a moment ..." He nods to the guy who leaves us alone, disappearing ...
"Then," sits "Sit back and let's chat"
"I really have no words, you're cool!"
"Cool?" What do you mean "
" No. .. is that one is thinking of you and always has in mind a certain type of person, you know, white hair long beard ... "
" Well, yeah, that's the collective imagination ... actually I have no body, as many already know I am one spirit. What you see is your representation of me. Are your eyes as you wish I was a sort of mirror, I do not know what I mean ... "
" Oh yeah? Beautiful ... na amended this thing. "
" But getting back to us, so 'is all this hatred towards me? "
" Well, come on, even though you, you made some shit ... wars, hunger ... the petrol! Ao, come on, you could do something there not? "
" Okay is now free, you want scusa..."
"E ho capito che ora è gratis, però quando stavamo al passo delle capannelle mica era tanto gratis..."
"Ma, sai...." e inizia una lunga conversazione.

Dopo un paio d'ore...
"Si perchè se Biaggi avesse avuto la Repsol allora potevano pure combattere ad armi pari, quello è un fenomeno, guarda in Superbike che ha combinato! Ma lo posso trovare in giro?"gli chiedo
" Qui ?"
"Ah, immagino che non posso stare...devo tornare giù?"
"Ma dove?"
"Che ne so, all'inferno?"
"Ma no, ma non credere a quelle cose, sono tutte dicerie..."
"But I've never believed it not, I figured I could not believe you ..."
"Come robbe , a bit 'of seriousness, however, at least in front of me ..."
"Yes, yes, thou hast reason is that I feel more ... alive."
"I know, I know, you get used to it. However, it was nice talking to you, now you're free, go anywhere."
I greet him, mounted the bike and look at him a moment longer ...
"But you know what?"
"Tell me," he says
"I did not, I swear, I never imagined that I was afraid ... be good."
"Well, God forbid, I am God .."
switch on and ...
Meanwhile, while they are in motion ...

"Gabriel, come,
is gone ...." "Yes Sir, I say"
"Mamma mia that hard work, of course we must take it with pliers
eh, but it is not bad ... Remember the man who was recently ago, what was his name, one set with sports, football, come on, what went to live in Miami "
" Ah, yes, EB "replied the servant
" Yes, it seems to me that they were friends I do not know why but both I have repeated the story of Big Bang I have not yet understood, the ideas must be a bit 'confused ... Oh well "
Then suddenly a roar ...
" What 'è?"
"Non saprei signore, sembra il rumore di una moto..."
"Oddio eccolo che torna, e adesso cosa vorrà..."
Mi avvicino ai due tenendo acceso...
"Eh, senta Dio, un' ultima cosa..."
"Dimmi Roberto, in cosa posso aiutarti"
"So che è un po' difficile, perchè saremo miliardi qua in giro, però...Non è che si ricorda dov Bayliss ?"

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Women's Running Hip Pain


Ma se Dio perdona tutto a tutti...perchè mai (dicono) dovrebbe esistere l'inferno.