Abstract: what does non-critical Greenpeace , but as ...
There are many movies that run on the Web and in TV note peace organization which has now been active for almost 40 years ... and is also very nice to see how these good people are looking for, rather than hope for a better future , at least to save this ...
But sometimes exaggerate.
Well, when I see footage of a panda eats roots sitting blissfully fucking people who is desperate because were few, so I have to laugh.
But you want to put an end to break the fucking panda? They're dying so what? Evolution, things are as they should go, if we were at the time of the dinosaurs were doing? Save the rex?
What if they're happy to be there cocks and here come his co naturalists brought her to save the species is endangered, but fuck him he will not? They were in two, one male and one female ... not fucking, then enough!
No, there appears the young women who cleaned her nails, that make the shampoo, which give carrots were not even Bugs Bunny ... And then I apologize
rifiuto di aiutare 2 bestie che rischiano l'estinzione perchè si rifiutano di chiavare...E' finito il comunismo, possono finire anche i panda.
Ma mettiamoci per un attimo nei loro panni.
Sono un uomo in un mondo alieno, con me c'è una donna...
Lo capisco da solo che siamo rimasti in due, ma la tipa è un cesso di donna con l'alito da scimmia, quindi preferisco ammazzarmi di pippe ...
Gli alieni arrivano da me e incominciano a pulirmi il culo, mi gireranno le palle?
Certo che mi gireranno, oltre tutto la sfiga di avere un cesso come ultima donna, non me la chiavo neanche se mi pagano...e così i panda.
Magari quello ha chiavato per una vita tutte panda fighe, ora è rimasta la panda che sembra un orso e lui se la dovrebbe montare? Ma de che, sono d'accordo anche io col panda uomo, w l'estinzione dei panda! E che cazzo.
Ma ieri il culmine...
Su Real-TV hanno fatto vedere un filmato che ripropongo da Utube ...
Alcuni uomini della Greenpeace cercano di fermare un transatlantico di proporzioni imbarazzanti...con un gommone.
Eh no, qua mi fate veramente incazzare, e come se non bastasse come unica "arma", ovviamente, avevano uno spruzzino d'acqua...
Queste smielate pacifiste mi fanno andare veramente in cappella, neanche I approve of the killing of whales, and the Chinese are also on my dick when you eat raw cod, but you can not stop that ship with a boat, you fucking laugh ...
With that flag was missing was a flag, but a piece of sheet written on Greenpeace with marker, come on ...
see them before you bring with that while there is a Chinese boat with a harpoon and shoot gigantic laugh even thinking "look st 'fools if they think de is to host"
Result: 0, what they did is comparable to 0, zero, nothing, as if nothing had ever happened, they have continued to kill whales, only with a delay of 10 minutes. It
because after 2 strolls on the boat had to turn back because had no more fuel ... but how are you ao , but if c'avete na lira left lose, you're ridiculous.
power is being fought with more power, and power you get with the money.
remember a piece of "The Untouchables"
"Want to go to war with Al Capone?" I'll tell you how to make war with Al Capone: he has the gun? You the gun, he kills one of yours? you send him 5 of his to the morgue, so he makes war. "
So dear Greenpeace , because as I say I agree on everything, but I do not agree how, I will do a better straight. Operation Whale
necessary ingredient
- A mignottone (handsome)
- Bebbo
here's how
Step 1 Find a good mignottone surrenders to "tissue "and crap like that, get them to the project saves the whales (I know it is the hardest part, but this is made all downhill) and send it to make the blowjob parliament. To speed up the final step to bring to the board hooker a sign that says "eat their fill as cocks were nachos "
Small clause: because the hooker is at the discretion of the beneficiary it can also be a man if is the beneficiary to ask, in that case obtain the full of hookers and repeat Step 1. Step2 Determine
fixed fee performance and any discounts or promotions 3x2.
Choose your payment method of transfer, Paypal or cash (depends on the costs Committee )
discourage checks ... If you have been closely following the Step 1 and Step 2 the whore s finished.
With the money made to go into armory and buy a rocket launcher
fetch Bebbo , buy a megaphone, a custom black flag.
Provide for a helicopter (if you have worked well in Step 1 is included in the price, otherwise repeat Step 1 to the wheel, then change the sign "I eat cocks as if they were to repeat nachos )
Go to top the Chinese ship. At that point we think Bebbo , which comes with the megaphone ...
"Hello yellow asses are Bebbo and this morning I gnawed il culo."
I cinesi guarderanno in alto e vedranno un tipo sporgersi da un elicottero
"Mi dispiace ma non posso avvertirvi che vi sparerò alla prossima balena infilzata, perchè già ne avete infilzate una cifra, quindi morirete"
Verranno lanciati missili contro la nave cinese che, inevitabilmente, affonderà. ( GTA insegna)
I cinesi che si salveranno rimarranno nelle acque gelide a nuotare sperando in un aiuto di qualcuno (che non verrà), ma non prima di aver letto la bandiera di Bebbo :
"Ora sparate su sta fava" (troveremo il modo di tradurlo per renderlo comprensibile)
Ripetere tutti i passi per quante navi si vogliono affondare, non preoccupatevi di Bebbo , lavora no profit , basta un pacchetto di sigarette come parcella.
Non abbiate paura cara Greenpeace di contattarmi, vi aiuterò quando lo vorrete, ma solo con i miei metodi, e state tranquilli, si sono fatte guerre per la religione, per il petrolio, per i soldi...ora le facciamo per le balene...
E se quel panda ancora non vuole chiavare non rompetegli più i coglioni, sarà libero o no di scegliere chi ingropparsi...
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