False Flags
Smoke rises slowly between my fingers,
stands up and caress the yellow lamplight
recovers heat and salt again, on the ceiling
elegantly wraps to undress and then fall back on itself in many circles.
The breathing is safe and proud of who knows what awaits.
will not wait long, I hear the sound of his breathing.
The black hole, an area without light, which consumes time and matter.
His view confirms my smile, every expectation was not disappointed.
I've been waiting for.
Its wheels are salted ice blades that I touch on the skin.
Her winds are a thousand tongues to lick my cat's soul.
"Time to go?"
"I will go alone. You Pour two fingers, it will take a while ... "
is frozen, but burns like fire.
Eager as ice.
Greedy like fire.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Purses For The Sims 2
Among my questions and the flight of
There are imperatives in 'art?
un'obbiettività There is art?
There is objectivity in beauty?
has an end in itself?
There is a Judgement?
really are born innocent?
If' Art is infinite also the inspiration from which it springs is?
How long to adapt to a new form inspired more fertile?
is more profitable the product of art that resists time or the path that led us to it that fades with time in the memories?
there a way to keep a constant state of art worthy of its production?
The challenge is always a symptom of innovation?
The misunderstanding stems from ignorance really?
The shadow is a product of light or vice versa?
feel satisfied doing good makes us caring, or is a way to satisfy our selfish opportunist?
The purpose of life is really no other life?
If in the face art we are all equal because the sum of a consensus than disagreement?
Love can alter the path of taste?
The beauty can be expressed in words or silence is more meaningful?
The sound of the wind reaches all the same?
The serene vision of the past coincided with the negativity of this or is it just an excuse to mask the inadequacy of our time?
Evolution is part of a positive cycle or negative?
culture makes us free or slaves?
If knowledge makes us unhappy ignorance is better?
perception coincides with a higher sensitivity?
La pazzia è uno stato privo di ragione o il suo stadio ultimo?
Le scelte implicano sempre una rinuncia?
Siamo davvero il risultato delle nostre scelte?
Esiste un uomo libero?
Che fondamenta ha la libertà?
Se l’attrazione è un prodotto chimico esiste una chimica per tenerlo sotto controllo?
Quando si desidera qualcosa si è di fatto incompleti?
Quante altre parole verranno inventate?
Legalizzeranno anche i sentimenti?
La censura è un prodotto democratico?
Il comun senso del buon costume è un risultato statistico borghese?
Chi ha definito la ragione?
Il lavoro è l’anestetico della mente?
L’equilibrio è una momentanea assenza di gravità?
A quale equilibrio risponde la bellezza?
È più remunerativa la vendetta o il perdono?
L’idolo è l’oppio per la realtà?
Il volo dell’aquila è espressione massima d’eleganza.
La sua è completezza, è armonia, purezza.
Il sua bellezza trova scopo nel suo esistere.
Il volo dell’aquila è puro equilibrio.
Il volo dell’aquila è pura bellezza.
Il volo dell’aquila is pure art.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Fotos De Ties Desnunas
There is no kind of redemption in my tracks up here.
E 'only become an avid,
made wind chill and silence. You
I speak of chaos and disorder.
But this is order, the balance of the motions and being, we do not lose that opportunity to undermine.
me from everything, without expecting anything in return.
reflection in the mirror there is a man with a beard who smokes a cigar, has a smile that seems to be far far.
"Welcome back, I missed you"
"I never went away"
The mountain is my mother, I do not ever recover
in her womb.

There is no kind of redemption in my tracks up here.
E 'only become an avid,
made wind chill and silence. You
I speak of chaos and disorder.
But this is order, the balance of the motions and being, we do not lose that opportunity to undermine.
me from everything, without expecting anything in return.
reflection in the mirror there is a man with a beard who smokes a cigar, has a smile that seems to be far far.
"Welcome back, I missed you"
"I never went away"
The mountain is my mother, I do not ever recover
in her womb.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Quebidos Ninas Cojiendo.com
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Toddler Son Asks Parents To Kiss
A day of ordinary fatigue
"You have to bring the table to Mrs. Narcisi, I called her that it is ready. At 4:30"
"Ok" I said.
I was annoyed at 5 off and I knew that I had time. This meant that it would take me what it would take me, but it was unlikely ... in half an hour to get to P.za Bologna Viale Libia, give a table (double, then two trips) and come back in half an hour was out of the question. Fabio
knew, so I sent the last minute around here do not pay overtime, not half an hour, you want to, sorry, half an hour of overtime? Do you want to attack a 5 €? You're not so pulciaro?
I do not, perhaps you, me to steal them, but keep them well, we do not do anything. It is not the € 5, is the time it takes me away, I take off, what I like.
I took the table and attach the clamps to the rack, and walked.
fortunately not much traffic, I arrived in 10 minutes.
Posteggiai on an island of traffic, and put the 4 arrows.
The table was one of those assembled, and then was brought half the time, not only for reasons of space (but not entered into the elevator and the stairs were narrow) but also for weight. A solid table
can weigh up to a 70in pounds ...
I left half of the table linked to the rack, and the other half took off directly over the left shoulder, right in the middle of the plan to divide the weight and be balanced.
I came over the intercom. A vintage building with three floors. Narcissus was written on all three boxes of the intercom.
If evil must pass this narcissism, I thought, citofonai in the middle, on the 2nd floor.
"The carpenter's lady, I came to deliver the table"
"Ah yes, the 3rd floor"
opened the iron gate and drove up to the courtyard gate, a beautiful wooden door, the upper ones.
When I opened the door I looked up, the stairs were those in stone, quite narrow, but with room for maneuver.
I took a deep breath and went. I was careful
do not slam in the corners and got to the floor with a good speed.
I opened a girl, followed closely by his mother.
The table did not pass the front door, it was necessary to open the other of the two doors, and finally, with a little 'difficulty, and went posizionai the table, the first half, in the lounge.
A beautiful house, well furnished, with parquet honey and white all the windows, very bright, very spacious.
"This is a piece?"
"Yes," said his mother smiling, "Now I the other half, I'll be right"
took off the other side of the table from the roof of the car, this time on the right shoulder.
The climb was heard. The steps seemed to multiply, and the slope of the stairs seemed almost vertical.
Sweat wet my shirt began to stick to which all the dust that gathered rubbing on the walls in the turns. Reached the first floor stood up his eyes upward ... Two.
Christ, I thought, I do not know if your cross weighed more, perhaps, but you did you do it once ... recommended.
Of course, nothing personal eh, but with all the jobs you could do with all the recommendations that you had, you could work all'Unicredit, post office and an actor ... no, you're finished on the cross ... eh admirable, but ... but, oh well, mind your own business, to each his own.
When I arrived on the 3rd floor my legs were burning like fire.
"Here we are," I said breathlessly, while the lady was already seated at a table near the kitchen to prepare the check.
"Fabio told me 150?"
"I do not know lady, I said that was 200" (we always try)
"Okay," he said, drew up the check and gave it to me.
"Well," I said, "then good day"
"Wait" reached into his bag and took his wallet "Something for you"
"No ma'am, no need, thanks"
"No," insisted "Take" stretched
his hand and gave me a € 1 coin and two 50 cents.
I thanked him and went out the front door smiling.
€ 2, but how do you, how do you not ashamed di lasciare 2€ di mancia...meglio dire, guarda mi dispiace non ho nulla da darti, posso offrirti un caffè? Almeno per salvare la faccia...2€, boh...ora capisco perchè hai scelto la croce.
Scesi le scale a piedi per riprendere fiato, mentre giocavo con le monete in mano.
Presi il cellulare dalla tasca per guardare l'orario, erano le 5 e 10.
Arrivato alla macchina vidi un bar proprio all'angolo della strada, con dei tavolini all'aperto. Guardai i 2€ e già avevo deciso.
Una ragazza dietro al bancone mi chiese gentilmente cosa prendevo.
(Prendo te in mezzo ai fondi del caffè) "Una birra in bottiglia, da 33."
"Sono 2€, vuoi il bicchiere?"
"No, thank you ... I can sit outside?"
"Sure," he said smiling, "Sit down well"
I took the bottle to his mouth and gave a hearty drink. Ah, so fresh, how nice.
lit a cigar and gave a sigh of relief. The car was in sight, if I could move came a municipal ... now that the municipal fuck, now I think for a moment to me.
What a day, the sun shone in the free blue sky, a fantastic temperature.
I stared at the sky, there was nothing more beautiful. Maybe after the trek with the cross, you too you got a beer eh? Tell the truth ...
Smiles, who are fool, I thought ... oh well
I smoked my cigar to the end, watching all the people passing by, walking along, preoccupied with their strange world ... what to do. Who knows what the world now think David Gilmour, who knows what she is doing right now ...
Strange but true, maybe they are peaceful.
"You have to bring the table to Mrs. Narcisi, I called her that it is ready. At 4:30"
"Ok" I said.
I was annoyed at 5 off and I knew that I had time. This meant that it would take me what it would take me, but it was unlikely ... in half an hour to get to P.za Bologna Viale Libia, give a table (double, then two trips) and come back in half an hour was out of the question. Fabio
knew, so I sent the last minute around here do not pay overtime, not half an hour, you want to, sorry, half an hour of overtime? Do you want to attack a 5 €? You're not so pulciaro?
I do not, perhaps you, me to steal them, but keep them well, we do not do anything. It is not the € 5, is the time it takes me away, I take off, what I like.
I took the table and attach the clamps to the rack, and walked.
fortunately not much traffic, I arrived in 10 minutes.
Posteggiai on an island of traffic, and put the 4 arrows.
The table was one of those assembled, and then was brought half the time, not only for reasons of space (but not entered into the elevator and the stairs were narrow) but also for weight. A solid table
can weigh up to a 70in pounds ...
I left half of the table linked to the rack, and the other half took off directly over the left shoulder, right in the middle of the plan to divide the weight and be balanced.
I came over the intercom. A vintage building with three floors. Narcissus was written on all three boxes of the intercom.
If evil must pass this narcissism, I thought, citofonai in the middle, on the 2nd floor.
"The carpenter's lady, I came to deliver the table"
"Ah yes, the 3rd floor"
opened the iron gate and drove up to the courtyard gate, a beautiful wooden door, the upper ones.
When I opened the door I looked up, the stairs were those in stone, quite narrow, but with room for maneuver.
I took a deep breath and went. I was careful
do not slam in the corners and got to the floor with a good speed.
I opened a girl, followed closely by his mother.
The table did not pass the front door, it was necessary to open the other of the two doors, and finally, with a little 'difficulty, and went posizionai the table, the first half, in the lounge.
A beautiful house, well furnished, with parquet honey and white all the windows, very bright, very spacious.
"This is a piece?"
"Yes," said his mother smiling, "Now I the other half, I'll be right"
took off the other side of the table from the roof of the car, this time on the right shoulder.
The climb was heard. The steps seemed to multiply, and the slope of the stairs seemed almost vertical.
Sweat wet my shirt began to stick to which all the dust that gathered rubbing on the walls in the turns. Reached the first floor stood up his eyes upward ... Two.
Christ, I thought, I do not know if your cross weighed more, perhaps, but you did you do it once ... recommended.
Of course, nothing personal eh, but with all the jobs you could do with all the recommendations that you had, you could work all'Unicredit, post office and an actor ... no, you're finished on the cross ... eh admirable, but ... but, oh well, mind your own business, to each his own.
When I arrived on the 3rd floor my legs were burning like fire.
"Here we are," I said breathlessly, while the lady was already seated at a table near the kitchen to prepare the check.
"Fabio told me 150?"
"I do not know lady, I said that was 200" (we always try)
"Okay," he said, drew up the check and gave it to me.
"Well," I said, "then good day"
"Wait" reached into his bag and took his wallet "Something for you"
"No ma'am, no need, thanks"
"No," insisted "Take" stretched
his hand and gave me a € 1 coin and two 50 cents.
I thanked him and went out the front door smiling.
€ 2, but how do you, how do you not ashamed di lasciare 2€ di mancia...meglio dire, guarda mi dispiace non ho nulla da darti, posso offrirti un caffè? Almeno per salvare la faccia...2€, boh...ora capisco perchè hai scelto la croce.
Scesi le scale a piedi per riprendere fiato, mentre giocavo con le monete in mano.
Presi il cellulare dalla tasca per guardare l'orario, erano le 5 e 10.
Arrivato alla macchina vidi un bar proprio all'angolo della strada, con dei tavolini all'aperto. Guardai i 2€ e già avevo deciso.
Una ragazza dietro al bancone mi chiese gentilmente cosa prendevo.
(Prendo te in mezzo ai fondi del caffè) "Una birra in bottiglia, da 33."
"Sono 2€, vuoi il bicchiere?"
"No, thank you ... I can sit outside?"
"Sure," he said smiling, "Sit down well"
I took the bottle to his mouth and gave a hearty drink. Ah, so fresh, how nice.
lit a cigar and gave a sigh of relief. The car was in sight, if I could move came a municipal ... now that the municipal fuck, now I think for a moment to me.
What a day, the sun shone in the free blue sky, a fantastic temperature.
I stared at the sky, there was nothing more beautiful. Maybe after the trek with the cross, you too you got a beer eh? Tell the truth ...
Smiles, who are fool, I thought ... oh well
I smoked my cigar to the end, watching all the people passing by, walking along, preoccupied with their strange world ... what to do. Who knows what the world now think David Gilmour, who knows what she is doing right now ...
Strange but true, maybe they are peaceful.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Who Does Jack Box Voice
existential crisis
Now that I am here to learn, I feel abandoned to ignorance and habit
that fear does not want to consider!
that I am here to look, I feel cheated by time and perception
discarding games that only an illusion!
Now that I am here to build, I feel defeated because all I have to leave
and fight, why should I do?
Now that I'm here to die, I'm wrong I can only chase
short and fleeting happiness
Now that I am here to love, I feel bound
prejudices and jealousies
separate groups that attach
At each step
see impassable knowledge
Every time I understand that there is nothing else to look for each project
not be able to follow the future For any developments
suffering life I did not care, I can not even answer
Surrendering to love when it is heard and shared
so without question, without lens
if it happens, until we
here we can be happy even if
abandon all

Now that I am here to learn, I feel abandoned to ignorance and habit
that fear does not want to consider!
that I am here to look, I feel cheated by time and perception
discarding games that only an illusion!
Now that I am here to build, I feel defeated because all I have to leave
and fight, why should I do?
Now that I'm here to die, I'm wrong I can only chase
short and fleeting happiness
Now that I am here to love, I feel bound
prejudices and jealousies
separate groups that attach
At each step
see impassable knowledge
Every time I understand that there is nothing else to look for each project
not be able to follow the future For any developments
suffering life I did not care, I can not even answer
Surrendering to love when it is heard and shared
so without question, without lens
if it happens, until we
here we can be happy even if
abandon all
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