Sunday, February 6, 2011

Who Does Jack Box Voice

existential crisis

Now that I am here to learn, I feel abandoned to ignorance and habit

that fear does not want to consider!

that I am here to look, I feel cheated by time and perception

discarding games that only an illusion!

Now that I am here to build, I feel defeated because all I have to leave

and fight, why should I do?

Now that I'm here to die, I'm wrong I can only chase

short and fleeting happiness

Now that I am here to love, I feel bound
prejudices and jealousies
separate groups that attach

At each step
see impassable knowledge

Every time I understand that there is nothing else to look for each project

not be able to follow the future For any developments

suffering life I did not care, I can not even answer

Surrendering to love when it is heard and shared

so without question, without lens
if it happens, until we

here we can be happy even if
abandon all


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