Tuesday, January 13, 2009

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Quello che penso sulla strage di Gaza.

The Palestinian people are suffering horrors.

Bertolt Brecht said: "They call the violent rushing river, but the banks that no one calls them violent squeeze"
who could not react to this great oppression? The Palestinians are living without food, without any right to come and go without work crammed into a strip that looks more like a big slum. Yes, there are old hatreds, but they react so that peace can not exist without the Justice. The Israeli government promotes
geometrically absurdity of carnage on a less powerful people. But he does it because he has the back of the United States and has broken the silence of the Arab countries.

The press of the world is forbidden to enter the Gaza Strip. When Israel forbids the world press to witness what is happening there, everything is very suspect. It will be the ultimate objective would be to do an ethnic cleansing, a people who see themselves free of hate, without being denounced by the free world?

Because I'm the leader of a Christian community, I do shudder with the evangelicals who once again support the simple reading of the Bible that they always did. In order to remain consistent, they bear a professional army in a massacre unprecedented. I am ashamed of believers! I have already received e-mails of people celebrating the bombs as a sign of Christ's return (of course elected by Divine), along with exclamations of "Hallelujah," also accompanied by the most vile cliché: "God is in control!" I
I know all the arguments, I'm not naive. Advance explanations that justify a people to slaughter each other. The deaths of the mass graves, the ones that clutter the story, they were buried with such explanations. To me, an argument, just the topic of Jesus Christ: "Ye have heard that he was told: You shall love your neighbor, and hate your enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for those who do wrong, and persecute you. "- Mt.5.43, 44).
Violence only adds anger to hatred to create more death. No, I do not approve of the Palestinian rockets, and I do not agree with terrorism (religious or state). I do not want to pretend not to see the Islamic fundamentalist anger that seeks to throw Israel in the middle of the sea. Someone must still break the vicious cycle of revenge. I suggest that the stronger the start. Only that!

Soli Deo Gloria.

From: Ricardo Gondim
http://www.ricardogondim. com.br /


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