Monday, January 26, 2009

Do You Get High By Rubbing Coke On Your Gums


who loves color the wind, the sun smells, tempera hours. Love forges people without making them stupid. The Cogita not love, then it is not. Illogical, is not invited to the chair of accuracy.

lovers expect. Each lover is naive, always commits acts missed. Imprecavido, is left to be caught in flagrant repeated. Love is not secured, even if resistant even under torture.

lovers meet, completed, agrees. The lover runs, the last to arrive, but he feels the winner. Vassallo, without asking accepts and respects the order that was never given. Imprudent, renunciation of preferences, gives way, divides the yoke, washes the feet.

lovers fear losing. Lovers disdain the time. Idleness is not a sin for them. Consider profits, lost the edge of the beach one afternoon a week "ruined" the poor, spent a month studying Dentistry.

lovers transgress. The eternal love is a contradiction. To the beloved, cancels what he said categorically. Breaks the law (even the divine) to avoid being stoned. Merciful, assumes a fool. Embrace the prostitute unworthy causes indignation, pardon fugitive thief, coward and bet on the dinner with the traitor.

lovers suffer. Love and passion are born in the same nest. The quiet love does not exist. Vulnerable, in danger of suffering from neglect. Helpless, he refuses to manipulate. Undergoes discards, wonders and dreams of a return does not fit ingratitude.

who loves chatting with the stars, says that the walls and feel doubts mirrors. Ridiculous, he insists on writing letters that can never be published. The lover sees the beauty in veils dirt, dried leaves, dead water, yellowed grass, rainy days.

lovers sees God in the poor. The lover feels good between the elderly and widows. Their angels do not fly and they do not show strength, only compassion. Sensitive, dying with the pain of others. Honest, it simulates omnipotence. Humble, does not propagate his personal advancement.

who loves knows God and is born of God

Soli Deo Gloria.

From: Ricardo Gondim

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Pink Bump On Shih Tzus

Spiritualità fuori dalla cornice

Similar to Chico Buarque, I can say that my father was St. Paul, Mother of Ceará, my paternal grandfather coffee farmer in the region steeple of St. Paul, and the mother's Communist Fortaleza. Dad was a teacher of history and agnostic mother, artist and slightly plastic Cristiana - fearing death, she converted to Christianity in the last months of his life. I grew up Catholic, emigrated to the Presbyterian and Pentecostal then ended. I also "I'm going on the highway for many years."

After I completed 50 years of life, he began another time in my pilgrimage. I spent some logic to question the religion I accepted adolescence. First, I was shocked with the ethical values \u200b\u200bthat I have received many built-in missionary work. Then, I am outraged by the arrogance in the American world view of colonialism and religious people. Suddenly, the simplicity of the sermons I shook. But what was worse with the "march for Jesus," with which teleevangelisti, offering wholesale and miracles with the lack of scruples of mercadeggiatori of faith, they manipulated the need to promote themselves.

Although none of those reasons were separately able to make me abandon the ship of the evangelical movement, the universal suffering slapped me, asking questions that I could not give at all.

all started when I walked the streets of Mumbai (Bombaim old) and I saw a beggar, totally naked, lying on a manhole. ll poor sleep in mud, gasping for breath. That scene stole my sleep at night, disturbed me for months after I returned to Brazil, and is still in the retina of my mind. What my logic told the fortune of that 'outcast were not sufficient to calm the anxiety that arose in me.

The first theological presupposition that collapsed was that of Providence. Concordant with the foundation Calvinist, God brought about in the last eternity, all events, all the details of the course that he created the universe. With full wisdom, God not only preserves established as that exists, so that his will is always accomplished.

It was then that I thought, if the smallest events are predetermined by God, that beggar lying in the garbage because that era's legacy of God for him. I went and took my last argument to the ultimate consequences: Auschwitz, Rwanda and genocide are all also part of the providential ingrenaggio, and they will bring greater glory to God in eternity. As of that event, I went to doubt whether quelle che rimane all'umanità è ripetere per la fede che "Dio sa quello che fa." Qualche cosa dentro di me dice di no, mille volte no.

Io cominciai a studiare la Teodicea - Teodicea è un termine inventato del XVIImo secolo per far confronto con l’impassse della sofferenza umana davanti all'onnipotenza di Dio. La parola è composta da due radici greche: theos, che significa Dio, e dikaios che significa giustizia. Quindi, Teodicea è una disciplina della filosofia che tenta di capire come Dio può essere allo stesso tempo giusto e buono davanti a tanta sofferenza, in un mondo che lui creò e del quale è supremo.

La Teodicea ha come marchio il trattato che Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz scrisse per riconciliare tre asserzioni diverse:

Dio è Onnipotente.
Dio è amore- lui ama con perfezione.
La sofferenza del mondo creato da Dio è terribile.

C'è un paradosso irreconciliabile in quelle tre asserzioni. Loro non possono essere simultaneamente vere. Se Dio è Onnipotente, dunque, libero per fare quello che desidera, è capace di trovare mezzi per far finire la sofferenza intera. Se Dio è perfettamente amorevole, non può tollerare così molta crudeltà, tanto orrore nell'universo. Comunque, lui è potente e buono e milioni soffrono. Qual è la soluzione?

Quale il chiarimento per quello che accadde in Cambodia? Perché Dio non intervenne quando il regime di Pol Pot slaughtered two million people? Some died because they used glasses. The regime considered that people who need glasses have liked to study and they were intelettualizzate. Those should be removed because they could pose a danger to the revolution.

What is the logic to allow divine absurdity of that magnitude that destroyed so many lives? Why does not God ordered a mega disaster of nature to prevent the progress of that communist crazy?

I spoke to a man who has received news that his son will be born with a genetic deformity and serious. He does not understand why God does something like that. I asked where he had sinned to deserve punizione di quella taglia e ha ripetuto molte volte che se Dio ha tutto sotto controllo, non riesce ad immaginare che lui abbia scopo così pesante per la sua famiglia.

Nelle articolazioni classiche della teologia, quel ragazzo verrà al mondo per portare a termine uno scopo (si usa molto spesso un testo poetico del Salmo 139 per affermare quel Dio tesse ogni dettaglio del codice genetico delle persone, inoltre le deformazioni serie). Nell'istante in cui ho ascoltato il racconto di quel padre mi sono chiesto: perché Dio nella scorsa eternità avrebbe predestinato un bambino per soffrire con deficienza così profonda? Dio castiga severamente l'umanità solo perché Adamo ed Eva morsero la frutta proibita? Sarà vero che God "needs" of a genetic deformity produce maturity in a couple?

But what about a billion people on the planet who does not have enough food? Will the curse of God reaches primarily the poor? Because every five seconds a child dies from starving in the Third World? What God has to teach the Brazilians with the contempt it produces Imondi unnecessary deaths in public hospitals on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro? - Due to the lack of basic drugs, doctors are forced to choose who will be treated and who will die in conditions of scarcity.

I'm already waiting for the sting: those questionnaires they will be teasing the crawl. "The problem Gondim he is reckless God's sovereignty, "the Calvinists say. Pentecostals repeat that I dare to hinder the divine attributes. Some consider me a fool to say that the doctrine of Providence leads inexorably to fatalism.

I have stopped believing that God is an upholsterer working secretly on the back of the carpet. I have also abandoned the idea that suffering was universal as punishment for the "original sin." I do not think that the course of history must be the way it still is for some reason still unclear. I believe that the story is derailed, the will of God was not as he wished. What injustice, maldistribution of wealth and the decay of natural resources, the abuse of economic power and selfishness that has spread not represent the will of God that beggar's misfortune did not happen for a "permissive will", but for short-term factors that produce perverse pain in the heart of God's paternal

Faced with the dismantling of the story, I believe that the Almighty invites men and they may become its partners, agents, processors of history, and builders of the future of the United antecipatori.

I began to rethink my building without theological determinism or fatalism of classical theology - the belief that most Greek Jews - and now I go to the end. I think that even

if theologians do not do the homework, do not review the assumptions of their speeches, the dilemma of human suffering will continue to slap the evangelical movement. Worse, certain clarifications deform what we understand as God's goodness Meanwhile, many like me will have to build a spirituality out of the frame.

Soli Deo Gloria.

From: Ricardo Gondim

Friday, January 16, 2009

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Ora io vado fino alla fine

I do not know why I took a stand against the invasion of Gaza. I am not Palestinian, I was never in the bombed areas and I have nothing in common with any militant dell'Hamas. Although I recognize that there are many Christians among the Palestinians, understand that its majority is Muslim. I do not know anything of the Qur'an. I love the Jewish culture and Jesus, my Lord, it was jew.

Then why, my God, I am outraged against the massacre of 2009? I established my reputation as a relativist, a friend of liberal and an enemy of the "chosen people of God." I only had the label of anti-Semitic (without wanting to defend myself, but just to remember: I am an admirer of the jew and I thought I recognize the pacifist tradition of expert on the theory of Semitic thought.)

"Ricardo, you do not know that the whole world is against Israel? They do not know that Jesus will come in the clouds to defend the cause of his people? Do not they know that the same God who ordered the decimation of whole cities, killing children, old people and animals, now "clean" the land of Israel? Do not you know that you run the risk of being next to the Antichrist and the Beast? "

I, who are already affected, I got completely uncomfortable with evangelicals. My reaction, in front of all the arguments: Jesus of Nazareth would not approve never militarized state that an oppressor and does it with ridiculously poor trapped in a strip of land forty kilometers long and ten kilometers wide. Christ would not tolerate that the sons of Boanerges invoke the series Biblical fire will rain from heaven upon the Samaritans. Impulse not the cause of the Zealots, did not cause hatred and incited revenge.

The evangelical movement, the vast majority interprets biblical prophecy through the lens of fundamentalism. The most common version, the world has risen against the Jews. Led by the Antichrist, people will fight against Israel. But Jesus comes to redeem his people.

A question, only one: Why do the nations will arise against Israel? If the state of Israel commits atrocities, massacres and oppression, then I am forced to oppose him. No prophecy compels me to accept the cruelty. I can not do un patto con progetti meticolosamente programmati per umiliare un popolo sofferto ed ingiustiziato. Ho assunto un impegno con la giustizia e non con una lettura sbagliata della profezia. Io sono accanto a chi fa quello che è lodevole e di buona fama, io non posso tollerare massacri.

E le profezie? Io non sono contro qualsiasi profezia, ma solo nemico dell'interpretazione che la teologia faceva della profezia. Io non sono contro il progetto di Dio, solo la tendenza all'instrumentalizzazione del progetto per trarre profitto ad una religione o un'ideologia. Io non sono contro la Bibbia, sono solo estraneo al cinismo religioso.

Io so che dovrei stare quieto e assaporare le mie indignazioni in riserbo. Ma non ci riesco! Forse la mia natura a rustic man pushes me to the side of people like Noam Chomski, Jimmy Carter, G. Finkelstein, Naomi Klein and other liberals, humanists, relativists and postmodernists. I recognize that they are violent, and most of the time, visceral. As a Pentecostal, flooded my emotions.

I do not like the pinch. Better to get along with the majority, not indispormi with the powerful and those who do not tease stings. I get annoyed and end up shot, but what to do?

When I was born an angel cherub A shameless

annoying and decreed that I was destined to be wrong so

very beginning of my public road is crooked
But I'm going to end. *

Chico Buarque.

Soli Deo Gloria

Ricardo Gondim

* Free translation

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

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Quello che penso sulla strage di Gaza.

The Palestinian people are suffering horrors.

Bertolt Brecht said: "They call the violent rushing river, but the banks that no one calls them violent squeeze"
who could not react to this great oppression? The Palestinians are living without food, without any right to come and go without work crammed into a strip that looks more like a big slum. Yes, there are old hatreds, but they react so that peace can not exist without the Justice. The Israeli government promotes
geometrically absurdity of carnage on a less powerful people. But he does it because he has the back of the United States and has broken the silence of the Arab countries.

The press of the world is forbidden to enter the Gaza Strip. When Israel forbids the world press to witness what is happening there, everything is very suspect. It will be the ultimate objective would be to do an ethnic cleansing, a people who see themselves free of hate, without being denounced by the free world?

Because I'm the leader of a Christian community, I do shudder with the evangelicals who once again support the simple reading of the Bible that they always did. In order to remain consistent, they bear a professional army in a massacre unprecedented. I am ashamed of believers! I have already received e-mails of people celebrating the bombs as a sign of Christ's return (of course elected by Divine), along with exclamations of "Hallelujah," also accompanied by the most vile cliché: "God is in control!" I
I know all the arguments, I'm not naive. Advance explanations that justify a people to slaughter each other. The deaths of the mass graves, the ones that clutter the story, they were buried with such explanations. To me, an argument, just the topic of Jesus Christ: "Ye have heard that he was told: You shall love your neighbor, and hate your enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for those who do wrong, and persecute you. "- Mt.5.43, 44).
Violence only adds anger to hatred to create more death. No, I do not approve of the Palestinian rockets, and I do not agree with terrorism (religious or state). I do not want to pretend not to see the Islamic fundamentalist anger that seeks to throw Israel in the middle of the sea. Someone must still break the vicious cycle of revenge. I suggest that the stronger the start. Only that!

Soli Deo Gloria.

From: Ricardo Gondim
http://www.ricardogondim. /

Saturday, January 10, 2009

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Nessuna killing is legitimate.

Acts of justice are precious in the eyes of the Lord. The idea that man was created in His image and likeness was interpreted not as an analogy of being, but as an analogy of doing. Man is called to act in the likeness of God "Be merciful as He is merciful."
The meaning of being created in God's image is hidden in an enigma. But perhaps we can assume that the intention was that men were the witnesses of God, his symbol. When we looked at the man, we should feel his presence. But instead of living as a witness, the man was an impostor, instead of being a symbol, He became an idol. In presumption angry, he developed a false sense of sovereignty that fills the world with terror.
We are proud of the wonders of our technological civilization. But our pride can lead to our ultimate humiliation. The pride in maintaining that "my might, and the strength of my hand I purchased these assets." (Deuteronomy 8.17), will lead us to say "our god" to the work of our hands (Hosea 14.4).
fear when we think that our civilization is an evil force that tries to take revenge on God
After the man ate the forbidden fruit, the Lord of Heaven expelled to cultivate the land which was extracted. But what did the man who is sweeter than any other creation of God? Undertook the construction of a paradise through their own power and that Paradise is expelling God. During many generations, things seemed to feel good. But now we discovered that our paradise is built on a volcano, you may come to be a huge field of human extermination.
This is the time to cry is a human being and shameful. We remain obliged if you give us religious people over the failure of religion to maintain the screw as the image of God before man. Let's see what is written on the wall, but we are too illiterate to understand what it means. There are no easy solutions to serious problems: all we can honestly preach a theology of despair. We halted God in our times and our slogan , and now the word of God is dying in our lips.
We have ceased to be symbols. There is darkness in the east and west presumption. And the night? And the night?
What is History? Wars, victories, and wars. Many dead. Many injuries, tears. A little resentment. Many fears.
And who could judge the victims of cruelty in the horror becomes hatred? It will be that easy to prevent the horror of captivity turns into hatred against the wicked? The world is bathed in blood and guilt is endless.
It is not lost all hope?
What saved the prophets of despair was their messianic vision and the idea of \u200b\u200bman's capacity to be sorry, what influenced their understanding of history.
History is not a dead end, and the fault is not an abyss. There is always a way by which you can leave the blame: the regret and return to God's prophet is a person who, while living in despair, has the power to transcend it. Above the dark circles of experience watching a different day.
Egypt and Assyria realized bloody wars. Being hated one another, both are enemies of Israel. Their idolatry are abominable and their terrible crimes. How do you feel Isaiah, the son of a people who appreciate the right to be called "my people" from the Lord and the "work of his hands" (Isaías 60.21), in referring to Egypt and Assyria?
In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria; el'Assiro will be in Egypt, el'Egizio in Assyria with the Assyrians and the Egyptians will serve the Lord. In that day Israel will be the third with the Egyptian and the Assyrian, and there will be a blessing in the midst of the earth. For the Lord of Hosts will bless them, saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria, the work of my hands, and Israel my inheritance. Isaías 19.23-25.
Our God is the God of our enemies, not that they know him and despite defying . The enmity between the nations will become friendship. They will live together when the three are equally God's chosen people of God
(Before you criticize esplicizzati thoughts above, I recommend caution. The lack of quotation marks ("") is intentional. Not a word of what I wrote came from my pen. I copied all of Abraham Joshua Heschel, one of the most revered rabbis XXmo century, and one of Judaism's most important philosophers of the time).

Soli Deo Gloria.

From: Ricardo Gondim.