Similar to Chico Buarque, I can say that my father was St. Paul, Mother of Ceará, my paternal grandfather coffee farmer in the region steeple of St. Paul, and the mother's Communist Fortaleza. Dad was a teacher of history and agnostic mother, artist and slightly plastic Cristiana - fearing death, she converted to Christianity in the last months of his life. I grew up Catholic, emigrated to the Presbyterian and Pentecostal then ended. I also "I'm going on the highway for many years."
After I completed 50 years of life, he began another time in my pilgrimage. I spent some logic to question the religion I accepted adolescence. First, I was shocked with the ethical values \u200b\u200bthat I have received many built-in missionary work. Then, I am outraged by the arrogance in the American world view of colonialism and religious people. Suddenly, the simplicity of the sermons I shook. But what was worse with the "march for Jesus," with which teleevangelisti, offering wholesale and miracles with the lack of scruples of mercadeggiatori of faith, they manipulated the need to promote themselves.
Although none of those reasons were separately able to make me abandon the ship of the evangelical movement, the universal suffering slapped me, asking questions that I could not give at all.
all started when I walked the streets of Mumbai (Bombaim old) and I saw a beggar, totally naked, lying on a manhole. ll poor sleep in mud, gasping for breath. That scene stole my sleep at night, disturbed me for months after I returned to Brazil, and is still in the retina of my mind. What my logic told the fortune of that 'outcast were not sufficient to calm the anxiety that arose in me.
The first theological presupposition that collapsed was that of Providence. Concordant with the foundation Calvinist, God brought about in the last eternity, all events, all the details of the course that he created the universe. With full wisdom, God not only preserves established as that exists, so that his will is always accomplished.
It was then that I thought, if the smallest events are predetermined by God, that beggar lying in the garbage because that era's legacy of God for him. I went and took my last argument to the ultimate consequences: Auschwitz, Rwanda and genocide are all also part of the providential ingrenaggio, and they will bring greater glory to God in eternity. As of that event, I went to doubt whether quelle che rimane all'umanità è ripetere per la fede che "Dio sa quello che fa." Qualche cosa dentro di me dice di no, mille volte no.
Io cominciai a studiare la Teodicea - Teodicea è un termine inventato del XVIImo secolo per far confronto con l’impassse della sofferenza umana davanti all'onnipotenza di Dio. La parola è composta da due radici greche: theos, che significa Dio, e dikaios che significa giustizia. Quindi, Teodicea è una disciplina della filosofia che tenta di capire come Dio può essere allo stesso tempo giusto e buono davanti a tanta sofferenza, in un mondo che lui creò e del quale è supremo.
La Teodicea ha come marchio il trattato che Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz scrisse per riconciliare tre asserzioni diverse:
Dio è Onnipotente.
Dio è amore- lui ama con perfezione.
La sofferenza del mondo creato da Dio è terribile.
C'è un paradosso irreconciliabile in quelle tre asserzioni. Loro non possono essere simultaneamente vere. Se Dio è Onnipotente, dunque, libero per fare quello che desidera, è capace di trovare mezzi per far finire la sofferenza intera. Se Dio è perfettamente amorevole, non può tollerare così molta crudeltà, tanto orrore nell'universo. Comunque, lui è potente e buono e milioni soffrono. Qual è la soluzione?
Quale il chiarimento per quello che accadde in Cambodia? Perché Dio non intervenne quando il regime di Pol Pot slaughtered two million people? Some died because they used glasses. The regime considered that people who need glasses have liked to study and they were intelettualizzate. Those should be removed because they could pose a danger to the revolution.
What is the logic to allow divine absurdity of that magnitude that destroyed so many lives? Why does not God ordered a mega disaster of nature to prevent the progress of that communist crazy?
I spoke to a man who has received news that his son will be born with a genetic deformity and serious. He does not understand why God does something like that. I asked where he had sinned to deserve punizione di quella taglia e ha ripetuto molte volte che se Dio ha tutto sotto controllo, non riesce ad immaginare che lui abbia scopo così pesante per la sua famiglia.
Nelle articolazioni classiche della teologia, quel ragazzo verrà al mondo per portare a termine uno scopo (si usa molto spesso un testo poetico del Salmo 139 per affermare quel Dio tesse ogni dettaglio del codice genetico delle persone, inoltre le deformazioni serie). Nell'istante in cui ho ascoltato il racconto di quel padre mi sono chiesto: perché Dio nella scorsa eternità avrebbe predestinato un bambino per soffrire con deficienza così profonda? Dio castiga severamente l'umanità solo perché Adamo ed Eva morsero la frutta proibita? Sarà vero che God "needs" of a genetic deformity produce maturity in a couple?
But what about a billion people on the planet who does not have enough food? Will the curse of God reaches primarily the poor? Because every five seconds a child dies from starving in the Third World? What God has to teach the Brazilians with the contempt it produces Imondi unnecessary deaths in public hospitals on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro? - Due to the lack of basic drugs, doctors are forced to choose who will be treated and who will die in conditions of scarcity.
I'm already waiting for the sting: those questionnaires they will be teasing the crawl. "The problem Gondim he is reckless God's sovereignty, "the Calvinists say. Pentecostals repeat that I dare to hinder the divine attributes. Some consider me a fool to say that the doctrine of Providence leads inexorably to fatalism.
I have stopped believing that God is an upholsterer working secretly on the back of the carpet. I have also abandoned the idea that suffering was universal as punishment for the "original sin." I do not think that the course of history must be the way it still is for some reason still unclear. I believe that the story is derailed, the will of God was not as he wished. What injustice, maldistribution of wealth and the decay of natural resources, the abuse of economic power and selfishness that has spread not represent the will of God that beggar's misfortune did not happen for a "permissive will", but for short-term factors that produce perverse pain in the heart of God's paternal
Faced with the dismantling of the story, I believe that the Almighty invites men and they may become its partners, agents, processors of history, and builders of the future of the United antecipatori.
I began to rethink my building without theological determinism or fatalism of classical theology - the belief that most Greek Jews - and now I go to the end. I think that even
if theologians do not do the homework, do not review the assumptions of their speeches, the dilemma of human suffering will continue to slap the evangelical movement. Worse, certain clarifications deform what we understand as God's goodness Meanwhile, many like me will have to build a spirituality out of the frame.
Soli Deo Gloria.
From: Ricardo Gondim
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