Ora io vado fino alla fine
I do not know why I took a stand against the invasion of Gaza. I am not Palestinian, I was never in the bombed areas and I have nothing in common with any militant dell'Hamas. Although I recognize that there are many Christians among the Palestinians, understand that its majority is Muslim. I do not know anything of the Qur'an. I love the Jewish culture and Jesus, my Lord, it was jew.
Then why, my God, I am outraged against the massacre of 2009? I established my reputation as a relativist, a friend of liberal and an enemy of the "chosen people of God." I only had the label of anti-Semitic (without wanting to defend myself, but just to remember: I am an admirer of the jew and I thought I recognize the pacifist tradition of expert on the theory of Semitic thought.)
"Ricardo, you do not know that the whole world is against Israel? They do not know that Jesus will come in the clouds to defend the cause of his people? Do not they know that the same God who ordered the decimation of whole cities, killing children, old people and animals, now "clean" the land of Israel? Do not you know that you run the risk of being next to the Antichrist and the Beast? "
I, who are already affected, I got completely uncomfortable with evangelicals. My reaction, in front of all the arguments: Jesus of Nazareth would not approve never militarized state that an oppressor and does it with ridiculously poor trapped in a strip of land forty kilometers long and ten kilometers wide. Christ would not tolerate that the sons of Boanerges invoke the series Biblical fire will rain from heaven upon the Samaritans. Impulse not the cause of the Zealots, did not cause hatred and incited revenge.
The evangelical movement, the vast majority interprets biblical prophecy through the lens of fundamentalism. The most common version, the world has risen against the Jews. Led by the Antichrist, people will fight against Israel. But Jesus comes to redeem his people.
A question, only one: Why do the nations will arise against Israel? If the state of Israel commits atrocities, massacres and oppression, then I am forced to oppose him. No prophecy compels me to accept the cruelty. I can not do un patto con progetti meticolosamente programmati per umiliare un popolo sofferto ed ingiustiziato. Ho assunto un impegno con la giustizia e non con una lettura sbagliata della profezia. Io sono accanto a chi fa quello che è lodevole e di buona fama, io non posso tollerare massacri.
E le profezie? Io non sono contro qualsiasi profezia, ma solo nemico dell'interpretazione che la teologia faceva della profezia. Io non sono contro il progetto di Dio, solo la tendenza all'instrumentalizzazione del progetto per trarre profitto ad una religione o un'ideologia. Io non sono contro la Bibbia, sono solo estraneo al cinismo religioso.
Io so che dovrei stare quieto e assaporare le mie indignazioni in riserbo. Ma non ci riesco! Forse la mia natura a rustic man pushes me to the side of people like Noam Chomski, Jimmy Carter, G. Finkelstein, Naomi Klein and other liberals, humanists, relativists and postmodernists. I recognize that they are violent, and most of the time, visceral. As a Pentecostal, flooded my emotions.
I do not like the pinch. Better to get along with the majority, not indispormi with the powerful and those who do not tease stings. I get annoyed and end up shot, but what to do?
When I was born an angel cherub A shameless
annoying and decreed that I was destined to be wrong so
very beginning of my public road is crooked
But I'm going to end. *
Chico Buarque.
Soli Deo Gloria
Ricardo Gondim
* Free translation
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