Sunday, February 15, 2009

Ring Worm Under Breast

L'ombra nel cammino.

I wake up, go out looking for what you do not know, many times what I have no idea. My desire is not profane, even though the soil. Just calm the soul, suppress haste. I want to remove the helmet, leaving aside the sword, unbutton the collar.

I walk with difficulty. I moved away from the person who represents me to the public platforms. I break my mold that forms the expectations of others. Unlearn the lessons I've taught.

I find myself and reinvent me. Get lost in the mountain of fantasies that I have scattered for the land. Hermetic, I'm not consistent in what I write. The items, fragile signs of my intuitions, are defective. I appeal to platitudes. Perhaps the obvious to help me express what I feel.

I sew my heart with torn rags of the past. Ideals, they were mending the broken, dreams of youth, chips, the fierce struggle, the bitter taste of falsehood. Surprise new protecting the backs of fences. Intimidated by the pain, I refused the hand that caresses. I suspect that a commendation antecipa spit.

tired I lie down. I imagine that one day I will not again put my head on the pillow. I feel distressed, I will miss the smells that color my memory. I want to grab the time. No, I fear not the twilight of old age. But away from love is too overloaded. I am sure, will stay at a table surrounded by empty chairs.

At the end of the road spit a cross whose shadow is cast on me. However, do not give up the narrow gate. Sure, I get even on Calvary. A man ahead of me there and I am encouraged by his greatness. I follow his steps.

Soli Deo Gloria.
From: Ricardo Gondim

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Had Tooth Pulled, White Spots On Gums


Genilson entered the great hall, he counted eighteen rows of benches and sat down. The place was empty. A silence that terrifies dominated space. The walls absorb any noise. None crossed the barrier of the eighteen seats, no one sat between Genilson and the altar.

"What brought me to this place?" He wondered. Without ever having made a prayer, participated in a ritual or read any catechism, he felt lost. All the curious: the height of the roof, the coldness of the floor, the hardness of the bench, the distance from the pulpit, the absence of neighbors.

Genilson twenty-two minutes remained in the mysterious vastness of space. He felt that nothing touched him. The quietness that filled the void amazing. The fear of the place made him get up. He walked dragging his feet towards the entrance, exit now. Forgot count your steps, went down the stairs to reach the sidewalk.

He returned home and his son wanted to know where it was while he was out. "In the presence of God," she answered. Soli Deo Gloria

From: Ricardo Gondim

Monday, February 9, 2009

Money Tree For A 21 Year Old

Elogio al libero pensatore

The free thinker thinks freely. Obvious. For him, the boundaries of right and wrong have to do with integrity, never with the assimilation of pre-established logic. Allows addrittura, which pull the carpet of his old assertions. Not only causes the debate to debate. Voltage beliefs for the sake of wisdom. Unassuming, does not hesitate to contradict. Ride even attitudes that took.

The Freethinker prefer piusttosto the jungle to the path already taken for granted, detailed maps to the maze, the path to the dark street lit. Live well together with the infinite truth. Face to know how the galaxy full of luminaries inaccessible to billions of light years. It is the dolphin playing in the ocean of ideas. The free thinker

guarantees the good society. He feels, welcomes, investigates and declares with the simplicity of children. He discusses, answers, results and requires the rigidity of the masters. Complaint, compare and fighting with the vehemence of the prophets. Narra, playing, laughing and creating with lightness of the poets. He is demanding academic talks, but the mockers table in the bar; attention among opponents, but instigante among friends. The free thinker breaks

scientific paradigms, inaugurated the literary schools, revolutionizes the parliaments, mobilizes militancy. Dies, however, the beacon of religion. Soli Deo Gloria

From: Ricardo Gondim

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Hair Straighteners European Outlets

La strada più facile

would be so much easier to silence rather than expose, conceal rather than to address, to agree instead of querying . I honestly prefer the calm alla turbolenza; l'alienazione alla replica; la pace alla tensione. Desisto. Io non mi capisco, io non mi spiego. Io sento un formicolio e mi getto in modo baldazoso al dibattito delle idee. Forse immagino di trovare la magnanimità, grandezza umana.

Sarebbe così più facile non far dondolare la barca e navigare in acque tranquille (il mio corretore non rinuncia alla dieresi*). Sono d'accordo, non si dovrebbe correggere il re. Lo ammetto, non è messo in dubbio quello che fu messo come assoluto. Lo riconosco, non si costringe la maggioranza.

Sarebbe così più facile scivolare per il pensionamento come un'unanimità. Meglio lasciarsi cadere nella fama del mito. Sì, l'arte di contraffare un carattere does not require much. Doing well is not complicated. Perform consistent with the expectations of the crowd is with little evidence. Ticchi I cling to the skin and end up completing a few travel diary.

would be so much easier to follow the path already trodden. I do not know why, I was in the wrong direction. Without programming, I ended up rowing against the current. I made painful choices. I formed an alliance with peers. Landed on the outskirts. I stumbled on the border of Orthodox thought. I spied her on the wall of consent. End I exile.

Everything was easy. I must now explain to those who love me. I have to suffer with the concerns of those who swallowed me. I have to deal with those suspected of abandoning me.

would it easier to go down the slope. But I would need to break in and live with a liar like me. I have no choice. I am obliged to live together with my difficulties. I embraced myself die.

Soli Deo Gloria

From: Ricardo Gondim

* The word "quiet" in Portuguese recently it was written with the umlaut (the symbol "¨"): "tranquil." But with the new agreement spelling in Portuguese-speaking countries (which came into force in January 2009) the symbol was removed from the words, remaining only in words or foreign names.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Trish Stratus Forced To Strip In Ring

Il bene

Good knows how to wait. Patient, waits for the scrap is emptied of the men who forged metal chains.

Good is delicate. Fragile, need protection. Simple, does not require treatment.

Good lives in the most unknown of the soul, in the alcove of the disease. Born in the marrow of the spirit. To survive, it needs the power structures. Dissolves in salt water. Discreet, the light is not, as happens to moths. The good

courts. It draws for its allegations. Seduce in the delicate hands of the physiotherapist who pursue the elderly, in the face of the social worker who weighs the malnourished children in the effort of volunteers who distribute blankets among the exiles of the flood.

The well down into the dropping of donated blood. The truth may be established by the commitment of the Norwegian doctor who lives in the Gaza Strip. It is seen in the provision of youth who march for peace, despite the cold that froze the tip of the nose and the bombs of tear gas that made him cry.

The well ran to the Pelourinho * and resist the perennial massacres of the powerful. When the curtains covering the hatred, the young men and women embody. The poets extol the good. Celebrated in the cathedrals and experienced in the brothels, is both human and divine, angelic and land. Soli Deo Gloria

From: Ricardo Gondim

Pelourinho *: During the period of slavery, was the place (a pole) where The Portuguese infligevano harsh punishment (usually with stripes) and even death to the slaves who committed crimes.