would be so much easier to silence rather than expose, conceal rather than to address, to agree instead of querying . I honestly prefer the calm alla turbolenza; l'alienazione alla replica; la pace alla tensione. Desisto. Io non mi capisco, io non mi spiego. Io sento un formicolio e mi getto in modo baldazoso al dibattito delle idee. Forse immagino di trovare la magnanimità, grandezza umana.
Sarebbe così più facile non far dondolare la barca e navigare in acque tranquille (il mio corretore non rinuncia alla dieresi*). Sono d'accordo, non si dovrebbe correggere il re. Lo ammetto, non è messo in dubbio quello che fu messo come assoluto. Lo riconosco, non si costringe la maggioranza.
Sarebbe così più facile scivolare per il pensionamento come un'unanimità. Meglio lasciarsi cadere nella fama del mito. Sì, l'arte di contraffare un carattere does not require much. Doing well is not complicated. Perform consistent with the expectations of the crowd is with little evidence. Ticchi I cling to the skin and end up completing a few travel diary.
would be so much easier to follow the path already trodden. I do not know why, I was in the wrong direction. Without programming, I ended up rowing against the current. I made painful choices. I formed an alliance with peers. Landed on the outskirts. I stumbled on the border of Orthodox thought. I spied her on the wall of consent. End I exile.
Everything was easy. I must now explain to those who love me. I have to suffer with the concerns of those who swallowed me. I have to deal with those suspected of abandoning me.
would it easier to go down the slope. But I would need to break in and live with a liar like me. I have no choice. I am obliged to live together with my difficulties. I embraced myself die.
Soli Deo Gloria
From: Ricardo Gondim
* The word "quiet" in Portuguese recently it was written with the umlaut (the symbol "¨"): "tranquil." But with the new agreement spelling in Portuguese-speaking countries (which came into force in January 2009) the symbol was removed from the words, remaining only in words or foreign names.
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