The free thinker thinks freely. Obvious. For him, the boundaries of right and wrong have to do with integrity, never with the assimilation of pre-established logic. Allows addrittura, which pull the carpet of his old assertions. Not only causes the debate to debate. Voltage beliefs for the sake of wisdom. Unassuming, does not hesitate to contradict. Ride even attitudes that took.
The Freethinker prefer piusttosto the jungle to the path already taken for granted, detailed maps to the maze, the path to the dark street lit. Live well together with the infinite truth. Face to know how the galaxy full of luminaries inaccessible to billions of light years. It is the dolphin playing in the ocean of ideas. The free thinker
guarantees the good society. He feels, welcomes, investigates and declares with the simplicity of children. He discusses, answers, results and requires the rigidity of the masters. Complaint, compare and fighting with the vehemence of the prophets. Narra, playing, laughing and creating with lightness of the poets. He is demanding academic talks, but the mockers table in the bar; attention among opponents, but instigante among friends. The free thinker breaks
scientific paradigms, inaugurated the literary schools, revolutionizes the parliaments, mobilizes militancy. Dies, however, the beacon of religion. Soli Deo Gloria
From: Ricardo Gondim
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