Monday, December 6, 2010

Laws In Indiana Regarding Seizures


Welcome to all of you who come here by mistake, out of curiosity, for the strange cases of life because they were attracted by the name of our blog, because bored, asked why, why ...
What we do on this blog? Just remember us (and we need so much) that there are flashes of optimism, that man knows how to be a marvelous creature, that there is room for beauty in this world, there are still people who travel, dreams, committed, listen to music, go to the theater, he believes in the culture and not in the entertainment culture, which is not particularly want to win but to participate, but you do not agree that this event .... we will do. And with your help even more.
For now let's start small gathering news from our country and the world that make us smile and commuovere, che ci facciano credere ancora nel valore della R-Esistenza come stile di anche immagini, poesie, segnalazioni di spettacoli, film, video di youtube e chi più ne ha più ne metta....quindi...


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