are the bottom of a bottle recess
now over the last few drops that remain stuck to the glass eagerly
cup of coffee granules, which color the side brought the cup to his mouth.
The drop in more than ink on the paper trail that leaves the
you stain your fingers.
have the elegance of smoking
the constancy of rust
the smell of old wine cellars
sound paper of a forgotten book
evoked the memory of a scent is no longer daily
the box that keeps a photo intended superfluous
are the pennies that end up in the jar,
are the key to a port that has changed the lock on the card in the drawer are
the presale that bends
dust on the shelf to sleep at the upper floors of the library. I'm not finished a painting
a story unfinished
a poem ended by mid
grains of stone sculpture of a still trapped.
are the splinter of wood under the pale skin
not worthy of becoming a lesson
the cut on the finger you use more
the skins stretched around the nail.
'm your bad day.
I smile ripped from a story that starts with an you remember when the black screen
before the end credits
the last waltz
the few inches that separate the kiss of the hand.
are the subtle refinement of taste
the precarious balance of elegance
the perfect framing of many shots, but not impressed
the energy of the right phrase from inspiration
exonerated the swollen river of words into poetry.
are stealing too much greed of room for compromise,
the arrogance of all paying the bill nothing
the hot smoke of the last shots that you burn your lips.
have the courage of an idea
stagnant water
thoughts of anger and brood then tamed
impetus to the sterility of the rancor that is fertility as it unfolds at
the mirage of a shelter built around the insatiable ambitions of flattery
the comfort of art that art is the purpose
game loss to understand the beauty in the table.
I am the dark side and a concealed enemy force
my best mentor and
the most intimate and hidden rope
the vice that he shakes the soul.
I presume to be alone.
have the illusion that they are ready
the excuse of being different I am and I would not be different.
And fortunately they are not.
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